2004 & 2005 Honda Civic Hesitaion

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Jamco, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Jamco

    Jamco Guest

    I have a 2005 honda civic, and my brother a 2004. Both cars hesitate at low
    speeds when its cold outside. Going from a dead stop its like your gasing,
    letting go of the gas for a second, then gassing again. This only lasts for
    the first few minutes while the car is cold. The colder it is outside, the
    longer it lasts. My previous car was a 2003 honda civic, which did not have
    this problem.

    Any ideas?

    Would buying one of those "performance chips" (resistors) possibly make any

    Jamco, Nov 4, 2004
  2. Jamco

    Woody Guest

    Have you checked with your dealer for a possible TSB....
    Woody, Nov 6, 2004
  3. Jamco

    Jamco Guest

    yes, they say it looks like the fuel injectors i beleive open up to .8 then
    down to .3 then back to .8
    So its cutting off the fuel, but they don't know why
    Jamco, Nov 7, 2004
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