2004 accord - ATF and engine oil change

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Pszemol, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Pszemol

    johngdole Guest

    Dexron III licensing stopped in 2005. Now the synthetic-blend Dexron
    VI ($$) designed for direct clutch trannys replaced all prior fluids.
    There are still cheap dino "Dexron-III compatible" fluids, except
    refiners can't call them "Dexron III" fluids. Just a technicality
    really from the legal department.

    "the automaker is already recommending Dexron-VI for service fill in
    existing vehicles, noting its compatibility with transmissions built
    before model year 2006. To encourage the switch, the company will
    cease to issue Dexron-III(H) licenses at the end of 2005, meaning all
    such licenses will expire by the end of 2006."

    johngdole, Sep 30, 2008
  2. Pszemol

    jim beam Guest

    ok, but where do you and pszemol get this "synthetic" vs. "cheap dino"
    attitude from? what makes it relevant to a transmission? what do you
    think "synthetic" is?
    jim beam, Sep 30, 2008
  3. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Pszemol does not have a synthetic attitude :) I was just commenting
    his argument, that ATF Z1 might be synthetic and that is why it is so
    expensive compared to "dino" ATFs like Dexron II/III.
    My question "do you know for the fact if it is synthetic" is not an
    expression of any "attitude" toward anything. It is just a question.
    It is agreement to an idea that since synthetic engine oils are much
    more expensive than "dino" oils, the same can apply to ATF kinds.

    If you haven't noticed yet, it was not about switching to a different
    fluid in our hondas. It was just discussion about the ATF price iteself.

    p.s. why do you leave old citations on the bottom of your texts?
    It is so messy... this fragment is not relevant to your response.
    You can cut it out without impacting understanding of your answer.
    Pszemol, Sep 30, 2008
  4. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Obviously for YOU, because you are unable to prove your silly accusations.
    Remember the golden rule: innocent until proven guilty. It is YOUR
    responsibility to prove I am guilty of something you accuse me of, not mine
    to prove I am innocent.
    I gave you the link to the professional paper treating IN GREAT DETAILS
    about many different AT fluids. It happened to also have an abstract, but I
    was sure it will not be too taxing for your IQ to guess I am not refering to
    the abstract alone but to the full text. The fact you did not find anything
    relevant in the abstract itself should be another clue (and would be for
    anybody with average IQ level) for you that I was refering to the full paper
    not the abstract. So if you still do not get it, let me spell it for you:
    you need to read FULL PAPER to get the information about ATZ F1 fluid being
    not synthetic fluid. Yes, you have to pay for it to read it, but nobody
    forces you to read it. It is totally up to you.
    I do not know why is it so unusual or strange for you that scientific and
    technical papers cost money? You have never done any real reseach, haven't
    you? If all your knowledge is based on "free" material available to search
    engines than it is pitiful.

    I said it is not synthetic, link the source of this information and this is
    the end from my side. Rest is totally up to you. If you want - read it, if
    not - do not read it. Why would I care?
    Try to find the context of my question about ATF Z1 being synthetic or not.
    Maybe you will get it then. If not - tough luck! Why would I go through the
    effort explaining this to you? What is there for me?
    Jimmy, why is it so taxing for your IQ to comprehend such a simple text in
    plain English?
    Pszemol, Sep 30, 2008
  5. Pszemol

    jim beam Guest

    1. "synthetic" is a red herring. you'd know that if you knew what you
    were talking about.

    2. you're hiding behind "mommy's skirts" by alleging the contents of a
    cite something not publicly available.

    3. you're resorting to insult again.

    bottom line, unless you can be bothered to actually present anythng
    relevant and on-topic, i have to conclude you're just being a troll.
    jim beam, Oct 1, 2008
  6. Pszemol

    jim beam Guest

    jim beam, Oct 1, 2008
  7. Pszemol

    johngdole Guest

    Sure it was a little digression from ~$6/quart Honda ATF. Synthetic or
    synthetic-blends typically cost ~$6 (including Dexron VI, Toyota Type
    3, 4 etc ), while the dino Dexron II/III usually is less than $2.

    This is not to say people should use any other than specified ATF
    fluid in any car.
    johngdole, Oct 1, 2008
  8. Pszemol

    jim beam Guest

    so honda's got you by the shorts! the problem is, nobody else sells atf
    that works as well in their transmissions. but given that you don't
    need to change it very often [i changed the atf on my civic after 60k
    miles of hot high speed desert driving - e.g. grape vine at 90+ at
    103'F, flat out in 3rd, so no lockup clutch - and when i changed it, it
    looked/smelled almost perfect, and there was almost /nothing/ on the
    transmission magnet] i don't see that it's much of a problem.
    jim beam, Oct 1, 2008
  9. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    What I know is the 1 quart of synthetic engine oil costs $5 while 1 quart of
    nonsynthetic costs <$2. Red herring or not - the price difference is quite
    dramatic. And this is what we were talking about with John - you did not
    catch the point - you were lost in the conversation, completely confused
    thinking we want to change fluid to a different one in our hondas. Your
    problem! Not the first time this is the reason it is very hard to discuss
    with you...
    Stop the lies. It IS publicly available! It just hurts you to spend $14 to
    get it.
    Pszemol, Oct 1, 2008
  10. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    I see you finally understand your mistake and not having anything smart to
    add you call me names... how mature it is :)
    Pszemol, Oct 1, 2008
  11. Pszemol

    jim beam Guest

    eh? me wondering if you speak english as a first language because you
    have spectacular comprehension problems is not calling you names, it's
    simply one of the conclusions you can draw from observing your behavior.
    subsequently observing that you have more interest in arguing than you
    do in cars, and eliminating the above, then makes you a troll.
    jim beam, Oct 1, 2008
  12. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Are you really drawing this conclusion on a single test case?
    What is the manufacturer recomended maintenance period for this transmission
    service in your car?
    Pszemol, Oct 1, 2008
  13. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    So if I draw a conclusion you are "Einsten", it will not be calling you
    Pszemol, Oct 1, 2008
  14. Pszemol

    John Horner Guest

    I have done all the fluid changes on our Hondas from new, and in every
    case I've found that the initial factory tightening of those drain bolts
    was way, way over spec. Cracking them loose the first time was a real pain.
    John Horner, Oct 18, 2008
  15. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Yes, this is my experience as well.

    The argument that this is "crush-washer" and that is why it needs to be
    flatten like a souvenir penny at Disneyland is quite idiotic argument if
    you consider the specified torque being too low to smash the washer.
    It will be slightly crushed when you apply specified torque, it will bend
    and compress little to match all surface inequality on the oil pan, but it
    does not need to resemble flattened souvenier penny to do its job right.

    Apparently some oil-change "experts" at Honda do not use torque
    values given in the manual but take the crush-washer name as their
    only guide instead. And they crush it with all the muscle they have :)
    Pszemol, Oct 29, 2008
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