2004 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by michael, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. michael

    michael Guest

    Have a new 2004 accord EX 6, anybody have any problems with theres
    michael, Sep 13, 2004
  2. michael

    michael Guest

    michael, Sep 13, 2004
  3. michael

    bob zee Guest

    no, good ol' bob z. has not had a single problem. this car rocks.

    bob z.
    p.s. take me home, country road...
    bob zee, Sep 13, 2004
  4. michael

    Hank Guest

    Trans re-call!
    Hank, Sep 13, 2004
  5. michael

    michael Guest

    thanks for your input, i understand recall is for 03 not 04
    michael, Sep 13, 2004
  6. michael

    Hank Guest

    Michael, recall was also for 2004 Accords V6 .
    I bought my 2004 Accord EX V6 sedan in July of this year and received a
    notice for recall 2 weeks later.
    Hank, Sep 13, 2004
  7. michael

    Cosmin N. Guest

    My dad just bought the 04 Accord V6 EX about a couple of weeks ago, I
    wonder if this recall applies to it as well...

    Cosmin N., Sep 13, 2004
  8. michael

    Hank Guest

    Maybe, maybe not, I think it depends when and where the transmission was
    Hank, Sep 13, 2004
  9. michael

    L Alpert Guest

    Not a big deal, really. Taken care of at the first oil change.
    L Alpert, Sep 14, 2004
  10. I purchased a 2004 Accord EX V6 sedan in early May, 2004. There is
    no recall on my car.

    Harvey J. Cohen, Ph. D.

    "The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make
    sense." - Tom Clancy

    Harvey J Cohen, Sep 14, 2004
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