2004 Civic EX air conditioner probl. in 2nd grear

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Al C., Jul 6, 2004.

  1. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    Almost brand new Civic with automatic trans. When car is accelerating in
    second gear, the air conditioner blows non-cool air. When it hits 3rd,the air
    gets much cooler. Also ok in 1st and idle. Also, I think the air could be
    colder when it IS cold... but that's another issue.

    Is this "2nd gear, 'warm' air" a known issue with the 2004 Civic EX?


    Al C., Jul 6, 2004
  2. Al C.

    Randolph Guest

    Randolph, Jul 6, 2004
  3. What is the relationship of the accelerator pedal to the floor when your car
    is going through the gears?

    CaptainKrunch, Jul 6, 2004
  4. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    I'm NOT doing jack-rabbit acceleration. I'm talking normal "from a stop light"
    acceleration in traffic. I'm not flooring it out if that's what you mean. I
    guess I should look at the tach and see at what rpm the air turns warm. I
    know it's in second because it gets colder when it hits 3rd.

    What's goin' on?

    Al C., Jul 6, 2004
  5. That is an odd thing to have happen. I would call the dealer and tell them
    about it. Perhaps they have a good explanation.

    CaptainKrunch, Jul 6, 2004
  6. Al C.

    Woody Guest

    It isn't really. Most cars will drop the compressor at high rpm. If he is in
    second long enough to feel the air to warm up he is dogging it too long.
    Woody, Jul 7, 2004
  7. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    I called the service dept. at the dealer I bought the vehicle from (car only
    has 2500 miles!) He says this is normal for the Civic... that there is a
    sensor that will turn off the compressor if the engine needs the power.

    Do you think they are blowing smoke at me? I had a 1990 4 cyl. Honda Accord EX
    for 14 years before this new Civic and never noticed the AC change from cold
    to "regular" air and than back again while driving. Comments?

    Al C., Jul 7, 2004
  8. Al C.

    Chip Stein Guest

    it's called compressor cut, and is commanded by the ECU. it happens
    at lower rpm than the older model. it's very noticable on the new
    civics . It's also normal.
    Chip Stein, Jul 8, 2004
  9. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    If I had known about this in advance I would not have purchased the car. Do
    all new cars have compressor cut?

    Al C., Jul 8, 2004
  10. Al C.

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Old cars too. compressor cut off and rpm increase when ideling with a/c
    on. It's one way of increasing CAFE as well.
    Tony Hwang, Jul 8, 2004
  11. Al C.

    Mike S Guest

    If I had known about this in advance I would not have purchased the car. Do

    It's not necessarily a bad thing. I have a 2004 Toyota Tacoma, and as
    far as I know the AC compressor doesn't turn off automatically.
    Merging on a freeway is hell, and is only slightly better when I
    manually turn the AC off.
    Mike S, Jul 15, 2004
  12. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    My wife has a 2003 Toyota Rav and I think it has about the same size engine.
    It does not cut off the AC.

    A friend has the small Acura built on the Civic platform and has a similar
    engine (but a manual trans.) and he says there is not this problem.

    The air blows cold but not as cold as my wife's Rav.

    I called the dealer and he said that if I bring it in they will charge me 50
    dollars to do a test on it. Car is 4 months old with only 2k miles on it. I
    guess the AC is not part of the warrenty.

    Maybe I should have bought a Toyota.... or waited for a hot summer day to test
    drive a car I was considering buying.

    Al C., Jul 15, 2004
  13. Al C.

    E. Meyer Guest

    You need to find a different dealer.
    E. Meyer, Jul 16, 2004
  14. Al C.

    Randolph Guest

    Service writer: "This customer keeps complaining about his A/C, but
    there is nothing wrong with it!"
    Service manager: "Tell him we'll charge 50 buck just to look at it. Then
    maybe he'll just go away."
    Randolph, Jul 16, 2004
  15. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    I think there IS something wrong with it. I've talked to a ton of folks and no
    one can relate their car to this problem. I going to try to find some 2004
    Civic owners in this area and see if I can get to the bottom of this. Anyone
    out there with a new Civic EX in a hot climate?

    Al C., Jul 16, 2004
  16. Al C.

    Randolph Guest

    Perhaps you could ask the dealer if you can test drive another 2004 EX
    from their lot.

    A friend of mine, who has at best minimal mechanical insight, found a
    strong smell of burned oil in his car after a service. The dealer was
    not very cooperative, but finally agreed to check it out with the
    agreement that if they found nothing wrong, my friend would pay 1/2
    labor charge. If they found that they had made a mistake, they would fix
    it for free. Turned out they had simply forgotten to put on the oil
    filler cap. You could try to make a similar deal with your service guys.
    They may not be very motivated to find a problem if it means they have
    to work for free, though.
    Randolph, Jul 16, 2004
  17. Al C.

    alie Guest

    I have finally found someone else who shares my dissapointment with their
    2004 civic's air conditioning! Al, I live in Arizona, and let me tell you,
    it is no picnic with this car's air conditioning when its 110 degrees out.
    I have taken my car into the Honda shop 3 times now, and every time they
    tell me that the air is "normal" and they have also informed me that this
    model was built to blow warm air when accelerating while getting onto the
    freeway. Aside from that, there are times when it takes 15-20 minutes for
    my car to cool down. That doesnt help me out when I have a short drive to
    the grocery store. Their solution to the problem? They tinted my windows
    for free. While that is a nice gesture, and it does keep some of the heat
    out, it doesn't help the actual air conditioner cooling off the car. I
    have already called the Honda customer service center, to complain. That
    is when they contacted my local dealership to have them tint my windows.
    During a follow up phone call from the dealer, I went off on him telling
    him I will never purchase another Honda again, nor will I keep this
    vehicle to the end of the lease term which is 2.5 years away. I am
    assuming he passed this message along to the customer service department
    because they have not returned any of my phone calls. My next step is to
    complain to the BBB about this. I refuse to pay $ for a car that I dont
    even want to drive. The makers of this car should try driving it in the
    middle of an Arizona summer, then maybe they will build a better air
    alie, Jul 26, 2004
  18. Al C.

    alie Guest

    I have finally found someone else who shares my dissapointment with their
    2004 civic's air conditioning! Al, I live in Arizona, and let me tell you,
    it is no picnic with this car's air conditioning when its 110 degrees out.
    I have taken my car into the Honda shop 3 times now, and every time they
    tell me that the air is "normal" and they have also informed me that this
    model was built to blow warm air when accelerating while getting onto the
    freeway. Aside from that, there are times when it takes 15-20 minutes for
    my car to cool down. That doesnt help me out when I have a short drive to
    the grocery store. Their solution to the problem? They tinted my windows
    for free. While that is a nice gesture, and it does keep some of the heat
    out, it doesn't help the actual air conditioner cooling off the car. I
    have already called the Honda customer service center, to complain. That
    is when they contacted my local dealership to have them tint my windows.
    During a follow up phone call from the dealer, I went off on him telling
    him I will never purchase another Honda again, nor will I keep this
    vehicle to the end of the lease term which is 2.5 years away. I am
    assuming he passed this message along to the customer service department
    because they have not returned any of my phone calls. My next step is to
    complain to the BBB about this. I refuse to pay $ for a car that I dont
    even want to drive. The makers of this car should try driving it in the
    middle of an Arizona summer, then maybe they will build a better air
    alie, Jul 26, 2004
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