2005 Maintenance Advice

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DCDev, May 2, 2005.

  1. DCDev

    DCDev Guest

    Hey guys,
    For those who read my post a week or two ago, you know that I just
    purchased a new 2005 Accord LX V-6 4 door sedan. I have a couple
    questions regarding maintenance. First, can someone recommend a good
    manual for this car? Haynes doesn't seem to have one for the 03-05
    models. Secondly, I put a significant amount of miles on my car (about
    30,000 annually). The dealership where I purchased the car is quite a
    ways away from my house, and the Honda dealership nearest me is pretty
    sleeeezy. Therefore, I would like to do the small maintenance
    procedures (mainly oil changes) myself. Can anyone tell me if this
    would void the warranty? If not, what kind of records should I keep
    (receipts, dates of changes)??? This is my first Honda -- I owned
    three nissans previous to this. Any advice would be much appreciated,
    including additional maintenance advice other than what I requested.

    Thank you very much.
    DCDev, May 2, 2005
  2. DCDev

    G-Man Guest

    In the back of the Owners Manual is an order form for Helms. Best manual
    out there.

    Keep receipts, and a running maintenance log. They cannot void your
    warranty for doing your own maintenance.

    G-Man, May 2, 2005
  3. The one the dealer sells.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 3, 2005
  4. DCDev

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    As G-man said, the Helms manual for your car. It's 60-70 bucks, and
    well worth it.

    The only way your warranty could be voided would be if some sort of
    negligence could be proven, not just asserted. If you do the
    maintenance yourself, 1.) know what you're doing, 2.) keep records, 3.)
    don't worry. From your description, your warranty will expire in less
    than 15 months anyway; very unlikely that anything will go wrong in that
    time frame.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, May 3, 2005
  5. DCDev

    DCDev Guest

    Yes, my warranty will expire in a little over a year, based on my
    projected amount of driving. Do you think I should look into an
    extended warranty, or rely on the fact that it is a honda and should be
    reliable? Just looking for an opinion. Thanks...
    DCDev, May 3, 2005
  6. Boy, that's the question of the century right there.

    I've said "it's a Honda, don't worry about it" for years. Then came the
    98 V6 models with automatic transmissions--transmssions that were so
    badly designed and made, it was like buying a Chrysler.

    The transmission woes continued. Even after Honda re-did the Odyssey
    transmission for 02, they *still* screwed it up and required a recall.

    Honda has been replacing automatic transmissions like a mother changes a
    newborn's diapers. Sad, really.

    If you have a 4 cylinder model, especially a 4 cylinder model with
    manual transmission, you're fine.

    If you have an automatic tranny, though, hold your breath and hope that
    Honda takes care of you when the time comes (note that I said "when" not
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 3, 2005
  7. DCDev

    DCDev Guest

    If Honda's AT's are so bad, as I have read in numerous places, why are
    the cars still so popular? I purchased a Honda due to the reviews I've
    read, and personal recommendations I've been given, stating that
    Honda's are extremely reliable. Who wants to be replacing AT's so
    much? I had a 94 maxima previously, and ran up 120K miles on it with
    no major mechanical problems. The AT was just beginning to falter at
    120K. I'll be extremely disappointed if I don't get the same
    reliability and long life out of my Honda. I do a lot of long distance
    driving, and don't feel like having a AT die while I'm a hundred miles
    from home.
    DCDev, May 3, 2005
  8. DCDev

    Woody Guest

    In the US anyone can advertise anything they want and reports are generated
    for money. Did you ever notice the cars with the most glowing articles have
    the most advertising space in the magazines. The American public is very
    gullible and can't see past the advertising blitz....
    Woody, May 3, 2005
  9. DCDev

    DCDev Guest

    I don't think that's necessarily true.

    First, Honda's have to be some of the least advertised brands in my
    area. I don't know about magazine space, but they seem to have fewer
    TV commercials than most other brands.

    Secondly, I wasn't referring to article reviews, I was referring to
    glowing customer reviews. Although there have been numerous reports of
    AT tranny trouble, the vast majority of consumer reports regarding
    Hondas are very positive. If they have been having such severe and
    widespread AT trouble since 1998, why are the Accords still considered
    such reliable, popular cars with such high resale value?
    DCDev, May 3, 2005
  10. DCDev

    K`Tetch Guest

    its a limited number. my 88 civics still going strong with 230k miles
    on it. Right now, its sat up waiting for a half-shaft repalcement
    (boot came loose on a long run, and so joint's knackered) but other
    than that... Its V6 At's that are the problems ones anyway, and
    personally, i can't stand AT. I'm the driver, i'll decide what gear i
    should be in.
    K`Tetch, May 3, 2005
  11. DCDev

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    It's a fair question. The fact is, that although it's a fairly large
    *number* of transmissions affected, it's also a fairly small percentage.
    In my own case, I have a 2001 Odyssey that just turned over 90K miles,
    with nary a hitch. My 2003 Accord (4 cylinder A/T) just turned over 60K
    miles (the same weekend...) Again, no problems whatsoever. But the
    problem with the transmissions *is* real.

    For unbiased (not necessarily correct) opinion, you might try Consumer
    Reports; they do not accept advertising, for the very reason referenced
    above in this thread. Further, the information presented in their
    annual automobile issue is a conglomeration of data from many users. On
    the other hand, those users are self-selected, and do not necessarily
    represent a fair sample, statistically speaking. Of course, they are
    not excluded from doing so, either. Take it, like anything else, with a
    grain of salt.

    As you can see, I have chosen to go with Honda, but your 'mileage' may vary.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, May 4, 2005
  12. DCDev

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Your usage will be way higher than most folks, so you'll just have to be
    a lot more conciencious than the average driver :)

    I'd change the ATF 15,000 miles prematurely, twice, but I do that kind
    of stuff myself. Then after that, I'd just follow the manual. Treat it
    good, keep your ears open, and enjoy your Honda. Hand wax twice per year
    to promote emotional bonding. You've got time to kill when you're on the
    road anyhow. I used to do that. I did it last year, actually :)

    motsco_ _, May 4, 2005
  13. DCDev

    DCDev Guest

    Thank you all for your input. It gives me some peace of mind about my
    purchase to hear that although the tranny problem is real, there are
    many people out there who have not experienced it.

    Unfortunately, with the amount of city and stop-and-go driving I do, a
    MT would drive me crazy. That's one of the bad things about NY.
    DCDev, May 4, 2005
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