2006 accord? difference between EX and LX?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by dufffman, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. dufffman

    E Meyer Guest

    The only thing I have ever spent any where near $600 to repair on Hondas has
    been the timing belt and the extended warranties don't cover that.
    The '05 will be immediately a one year old car. The line of reasoning here
    should be about how long you plan to keep it. If you are thinking two or
    three years, you will lose an extra year's worth of depreciation when you go
    to trade it. If you plan to keep it forever (forever is about 5 years),
    that doesn't come into play and you should go with the best price you can
    I find this comment confusing as well. Honda extended the warranty on the
    transmissions that have problem potential to 7 years/100,000 miles, so an
    aftermarket extended warranty would be pointless for this purpose.
    E Meyer, Aug 20, 2005
  2. At 35K miles and 44 months old (out of warranty), my 02 Odyssey
    developed a bad airflow sensor. That's a $300 repair.

    Thanks to my relationship with the dealer, though, I didn't have to pay
    any of it. But my relationship with my dealer is something I've
    cultivated over 25 years, and it's relatively easy for me to have them
    cover it under the terms Honda allows them. (Honda pays for these types
    of things; it's a discretionary account the dealer has with Honda.)

    But many people are not in my position, and would prefer to have a
    formal arrangement with Honda regarding this kind of thing.

    Given how the Honda beancounters have taken over and Honda is now
    building things more cheaply, and more things are going wrong, maybe
    it's not a bad idea.

    But then again, Honda is supposed to have a reputation as the car to buy
    when you don't want to worry about things....guess the Honda accountants
    are doing everything they can to destroy that reputation.

    It took Honda 30 years to build that reputation, and it's taking far
    less time for their new accountant-oriented management to destroy it.

    Might as well buy a Hyundai.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 20, 2005
  3. dufffman

    Dick Guest

    If you really intend to keep your car for 10 years, there is no
    question that buying the '05 is a better deal for you. Take advantage
    of the model year closeouts. Both of our last Accords were purchased
    just before the next year came out, and we got terrific deals on them.
    In 10 years, the difference in resale value between the '05 and '06
    might buy you six-pack. Don't even put end-of-use value into your
    thinking because it doesn't matter.

    Dick, Aug 20, 2005
  4. dufffman

    SoCalMike Guest

    supposedly. on some cars. and there are always dealers that love to play
    "dumb" about stuff like that.

    "never heard about that"

    "nope- your VIN doesnt qualify"

    "your fluid is burnt- thats abuse!"
    SoCalMike, Aug 20, 2005
  5. dufffman

    SoCalMike Guest

    and toyota, as well.
    or a toyota.
    SoCalMike, Aug 20, 2005
  6. dufffman

    SoCalMike Guest

    for a model not due for a change, sure. in some cases, like the civic, i
    like the previous gen better than the current one.
    SoCalMike, Aug 20, 2005
  7. or a toyota.[/QUOTE]

    yeah, but a Hyundai is cheaper--and has most, if not all, of the quality
    that Honda *used* to have.

    Me, I'd buy a used Lexus...
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 20, 2005
  8. dufffman

    jim beam Guest

    the extended warranties are practically worthless. read the fine print.
    they do not cover anything that wears out, they do not cover labor
    [typically], they just "cover" major items that never fail like
    crankshafts, and even then, it's latent defects, not wear. these
    policies are written by people that can do the math. if probability of
    failure x the cost of repair exceeds the price of the policy, including
    all the overhead, commissions, etc., you don't need to be a rocket
    scientist to figure out that the policy would never be written.
    therefore statistically, you will never benefit from it. again, read
    the fine print with this in mind & you'll see what i mean.
    jim beam, Aug 20, 2005
  9. dufffman

    Dick Guest

    My comments were directed toward someone staying within the 7th
    generation of Accords. When crossing generations, other things come
    into consideration.

    Dick, Aug 20, 2005
  10. dufffman

    dufffman Guest

    Thanks Elmo P. Shagnasty for your reply. I am exactly in that position
    which is why I am contemplating the warranty and was wondering how much
    would it cost?

    I am looking at either brand new accords or used models from 2004 or
    2003 with under 20K miles on them. Was there a problem with the V4's
    also or only the V6's till mid 2004?

    I understand that it doesn't matter if I buy the '05 or the '06. My
    question is, is it the best time RIGHT NOW to get the best deals or
    wait till sometime in September to get the best deals?

    Sorry for the repeated questions, but I am really an amateur in this
    field and could use all the help I could get!

    dufffman, Aug 20, 2005
  11. dufffman

    Dick Guest

    Depends upon the dealer's inventory and what you want in the car. The
    longer you wait, the less choices you will have in color, etc. I
    think right now is the optimum time.

    Dick, Aug 21, 2005
  12. It's not bad, per se, but it's a losing proposition for buyers
    financially. Ultimately it's your car & your $$$, so do whatever lets
    you sleep better.
    Sparky Spartacus, Aug 21, 2005
  13. The problem was the auto trans that they hooked to the V6 engines.

    The 4 cylinder engine auto trans was fine.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 21, 2005
  14. You're not speaking from a position of having read the HondaCare
    contract, are you.

    No, you're not.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 21, 2005
  15. dufffman

    SoCalMike Guest

    yeah, but a Hyundai is cheaper--and has most, if not all, of the quality
    that Honda *used* to have.

    Me, I'd buy a used Lexus...
    a friend at work bought a 91 LS400 for $9000 several years ago. had 200k
    on it at the time. now its got 300k and he hasnt had to do anything to
    it aside from regular maintenance
    SoCalMike, Aug 21, 2005
  16. dufffman

    SoCalMike Guest

    just the V6 with the automatic. and only some of em.
    for used i dont think its gonna matter.
    SoCalMike, Aug 21, 2005
  17. dufffman

    SoCalMike Guest

    and if you are going to go that route, best to pay for it seperately.
    say for the sake of argument you can only get a loan with 10% interest.
    that $1000 warranty becomes a $1500 warranty over 5 years. and the first
    3 years are covered anyway.
    SoCalMike, Aug 21, 2005
  18. dufffman

    Dave L Guest

    I was in a similar situation you're in right now. The longer you wait, the
    less choice you have in color, etc. Hondas normally do not have many or any
    factory options to choose from - only dealer options. I hear the '06
    Accords will have some differences in body panels, etc - mainly cosmetic.

    Have purchased used cars in the past and on the urging of others decided to
    bite the bullet and buy new this time. You don't have to wonder/worry about
    the previous maintenance or history on the vehicle - piece of mind.

    I just picked up an '05 Accord LX 5-speed (had to have SOME fun driving!)
    The finance mgr was trying to push many different warranties and oil change
    options. I didn't take any of them. Salesman was excellent. Also found
    out through a relative to call Geico - they automatically extend the
    warranty to 100k miles/10 years on a new car. Not sure on the 10 year
    part - might be 7 or something. I decided not to do the Geico thing - read
    too many negative things about them, and am perfectly happy w/current auto

    I plan on keeping this car for a while and hopefully the Honda beancounters
    didn't hurt this car! I think most problems will rear it's head within the
    warranty period.

    Differences between the LX and EX models - the EX adds the 6-disc in dash
    changer, 16" alloy wheels, sunroof and 4-wheel disc brakes. Those are the
    major differences. I would have loved those options but had to keep costs
    down - hence the LX.

    If you can, check the websites of your local Honda dealerships to see what
    they currently have in stock. Go to different ones and see what the best
    price you can negotiate with each one, and don't forget about the service
    you're receiving. I'm more inclined to give my business to the non-pushy
    salesman who might be a fifty bucks more than the greaseball salesman that I
    don't trust/like. I was also shopping for about a month before I purchased,
    so I had an advantage - I wasn't desperate.

    Good luck!
    Dave L, Aug 21, 2005
  19. dufffman

    jim beam Guest

    you're right, i haven't. but i've read ford, and it's practically
    worthless. admittedly, ford is not honda. yet.

    the fact still remains however that you would not be able to buy an
    extended warranty if there was any statistical liklihood of you
    benefitting from it!
    jim beam, Aug 21, 2005
  20. you're right, i haven't. but i've read ford, and it's practically
    worthless. admittedly, ford is not honda. yet.[/QUOTE]

    rather, honda is not ford--yet.

    Slippery slope, Honda, slippery slope....
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 21, 2005
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