2006 Civic Sedan - Blinking Red light

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Roy Starrin, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. Roy Starrin

    Roy Starrin Guest

    I tried RTFM and I will accept that I'm dumb, because I could not find
    anything directly relevant.
    The Audio system anti-theft light blinks every 2 seconds when the car
    is unattended. Isn't that a bit much? Can I turn it off?
    I'm sure if I could get the service manual I might find out, but
    apparently that document will never exist for the owner.
    Roy Starrin, Oct 6, 2006
  2. Roy Starrin

    jim beam Guest

    it's supposed to do that - part of the "theft deterrent" system.
    no. the current drawn by the led on a 2s cycle is trivial - less than
    the ecu on standby.
    no. even if you replace the stereo, chances are, it too has a standby
    load, and i doubt it will be less than the drain caused by your blinking
    led. a non-blinking stereo is much more likely to be stolen.
    jim beam, Oct 6, 2006
  3. Roy Starrin

    Woody Guest

    The service manuals are available at www.helminc,com
    Woody, Oct 6, 2006
  4. Roy Starrin

    Roy Starrin Guest

    No. The service manuals are NOT available from Helminc/
    When you go to the spot to order, what is printed is the following:

    2006 Civic 2/4-Door Service Manual (KA)
    Price: $75.00 Item temporarily unavailable. The item will be
    available on 10/9/06. Click here if you would like to be notified
    when this item becomes available.

    This has been going on since last June when I bought the car. The
    only thing that changes is the date, but it doesn't make any
    difference because I have repeatedly clicked and filled in my address
    and have never been notified of availability. The last time I called
    Honda corporate in L.A. they hadn't a clue as to when it would be

    Now---You were saying?!?!?
    Roy Starrin, Oct 6, 2006
  5. Roy Starrin

    Bryan Guest

    A peice of black adhesive electrical tape will solve your problem, stick
    it over the LED.
    Bryan, Oct 7, 2006
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