2006 Honda - manual transmission noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by google, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. google

    google Guest

    Hello all,

    Looking for some ideas with a problem with my 2006 Honda Accord 6
    speed manual transmission:

    In a nutshell, there is a rattle (sometimes almost a metallic grinding
    noise) that occurs on acceleration and de-acceleration which I think
    comes out of the transmission.

    When the clutch is pushed in the noise stops completely i.e. when
    there is no loading on the gear box.

    Pushing the gearstick to the left almost stops it - pushing to the
    right makes it worse. Hence

    I believe there is something loose or rattling in the area of the
    shift forks or the change lever resulting in a rattle which is being
    transmitted into the cabin through the gear change cables and

    Does this sound plausible and is it a known problem?

    The car only has around 10,000 Miles (16000 Km) and this has been
    progressively getting worse since day one. Honda are still trying to
    convince me it's normal (after replacing the clutch saying is was
    clutch rattle).

    Any ideas?


    google, Mar 23, 2007
  2. google

    Guest Guest

    Yeah, take it back and make them fix it.
    Guest, Mar 23, 2007
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