2007 Accord - Cruise Control

Discussion in 'Accord' started by no name, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. no name

    no name Guest

    The manufacturer's recommended break-in period for a Honda Accord, six
    cylinder, with automatic is 600 miles. I was advised by someone at the
    dealership that cruise control should not be used until the vehicle
    has been driven for 1500 miles. The owner's manual makes no mention of
    a separate break-in for the cruise control. Has anyone else ever
    heard this?

    Thanks in advance for your input.
    When replying via email remove the asterisk from my address.
    no name, Nov 11, 2006
  2. no name

    MT-2500 Guest

    They were giving you good advice.
    But you proably will not find it in the book.
    The idea behind it which is a good idea.
    Using the cruise holds the engine at one steady speed/rpm.
    When breaking a new or rebuilt or overhauled engine do not hold a
    steady speed for a very long period of time.
    Letting up on gas and speeding up a little helps the lubercation get in
    any tight spots that the engine could have when new.
    It also splashes the oil around in there a little more and may help on
    ring seating in and pistion pin lube and cylinder wall lube.
    Just drive like you are going to drive all the time but ease up and
    give it a little gas ever so often.
    And Good Luck with it.
    MT-2500, Nov 11, 2006
  3. no name

    Seth Guest

    During break-in one should vary the speed of the vehicle. When using cruise
    control, you are maintaining a constant speed.

    I conclude that cruise should not be used during break-in.
    Seth, Nov 11, 2006
  4. no name

    Seth Guest

    During break-in one should vary the speed of the vehicle. When using cruise
    control, you are maintaining a constant speed.

    I conclude that cruise should not be used during break-in.
    Seth, Nov 11, 2006
  5. no name

    jim beam Guest

    no - there's no technical rationale for it whatsoever - trust the owners
    manual. crap about needing to change the engine revs is mistaken.
    follow the normal factory break-in procedure and all will be well.
    jim beam, Nov 11, 2006
  6. no name

    jim beam Guest

    no - there's no technical rationale for it whatsoever - trust the owners
    manual. crap about needing to change the engine revs is mistaken.
    follow the normal factory break-in procedure and all will be well.
    jim beam, Nov 11, 2006
  7. no name

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    What the hell does that have to do with anything? There is no valid
    reason for varying the speed of the vehicle during break-in, short of
    normal accel and decel.
    I conclude that this is a ridiculous statement. Follow your manual. Use
    the cruise. That's what it's there for.

    Joe LaVigne, Nov 11, 2006
  8. no name

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    What the hell does that have to do with anything? There is no valid
    reason for varying the speed of the vehicle during break-in, short of
    normal accel and decel.
    I conclude that this is a ridiculous statement. Follow your manual. Use
    the cruise. That's what it's there for.

    Joe LaVigne, Nov 11, 2006
  9. no name

    chicago Guest

    Whoa, a lot of people are breaking in their engine in Texas!
    chicago, Nov 12, 2006
  10. no name

    chicago Guest

    Whoa, a lot of people are breaking in their engine in Texas!
    chicago, Nov 12, 2006
  11. no name

    MishaA Guest

    +1 MT-2500 .
    If you follow his advice, and he is not right, you do not lose
    If you follow other guy’s advice and they are not right, you have
    something to lose.
    And the subject is not that straight forward as they are trying to put
    MishaA, Nov 12, 2006
  12. no name

    L Alpert Guest

    I believe the idea is to run through the RPM range during the break in
    period, not to "not maintain" a specific RPM. As well, cruise control
    maintains speed, not RPM. RPM can vary quite a bit at the same speed,
    depending on the terrain.

    I've had the pleasure to "break in" a few motorcycles and cars over the
    years (and some were driven quite hard), and have never had any issues.
    L Alpert, Nov 12, 2006
  13. no name

    L Alpert Guest

    I believe the idea is to run through the RPM range during the break in
    period, not to "not maintain" a specific RPM. As well, cruise control
    maintains speed, not RPM. RPM can vary quite a bit at the same speed,
    depending on the terrain.

    I've had the pleasure to "break in" a few motorcycles and cars over the
    years (and some were driven quite hard), and have never had any issues.
    L Alpert, Nov 12, 2006
  14. no name

    MT-2500 Guest

    Well it looks like a little difference in views on it. :grinyes:
    :grinno: :lol:
    Not that people hear are not giving you good advice but on the
    In the import forum there is a real good Honda tech that goes by
    He could tell you for sure the correct breakin on it.
    The site may be down a little while because they are changing over to a
    new forum.
    But when it is back up run a post in import section and find out what
    he has to say about it.
    And also stop by the dealer service department and ask them.
    Good luck
    MT-2500, Nov 12, 2006
  15. no name

    John Horner Guest

    People say all kinds of dumb things. Some of those people work in car
    dealerships. Don't worry about it.

    John Horner, Nov 14, 2006
  16. no name

    John Horner Guest

    People say all kinds of dumb things. Some of those people work in car
    dealerships. Don't worry about it.

    John Horner, Nov 14, 2006

  17. Uh, generally, break-in periods suggest not driving at constant speeds.
    So, in this case, the advice may well have been appropriate.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Nov 14, 2006

  18. Uh, generally, break-in periods suggest not driving at constant speeds.
    So, in this case, the advice may well have been appropriate.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Nov 14, 2006
  19. The "no cruise control" period was almost three times the break-in period. I
    think half a point to each perspective is due.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 14, 2006
  20. The "no cruise control" period was almost three times the break-in period. I
    think half a point to each perspective is due.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 14, 2006
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