2007 Civic Odometer - switch between km & miles?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by ethel mertz, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. ethel mertz

    BlackGT2000 Guest

    Some of this makes sense, but its not all quite right. Cars today do
    have wider tires than most cars did in the 80s and early 90s. Even
    though they weigh more they generally have better brakes and can corner
    quite well. I am sure if you looked up the factory spec, the new cars
    would out corner the old ones, even given the extra bulk. Safety is a
    big picture kind of thing, but in reality accidents happen and thanks
    to all the heavy safety equipment that is in todays cars, accidents are
    much more survivable today than they were 15-20 years ago. If I were to
    be in an accident with a 1990 CRX in my 2007 civic, there is no doubt in
    my mind that I would have a better chance of being OK than the driver of
    the CRX. Think about this, what about the amount of SUVs on the road
    today, The CRX was not designed with these monsters in mind. I would
    not want to be a CRX driver in any kind of collision with an SUV, being
    small and quick on your feet will not get you out of an accident most of
    the time, remember people usually don't know its going to happen until
    it already has.
    BlackGT2000, Feb 24, 2007
  2. ethel mertz

    jim beam Guest

    jim beam, Feb 25, 2007
  3. ethel mertz

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    The current Civic Si is pretty damned hard to roll over, too, and is about
    as controlled as you can get.

    I don't mind the weight of it. It performs well, corners phenomenally,
    and has a good road feel. The suspension is excellent, so far.

    I have to admit, I never felt very safe in the older small cars. They
    just didn't have enough metal for me. When I was 18, I was driving a 77
    Impala. Not a looker, by any means, but nearly indestructible. I dumped
    it because of gas prices.

    I am a much better driver now, though, and would enjoy the HF for work,
    since I drive a lot (almost 15k on my Si since July) and I work at night,
    when there is little traffic.

    While side-impact isn't as bad as much of the media makes it out to be
    these days, I still feel better having my kids protected with the air bags
    than I do with a paltry ultra-light steel or aluminum shell...
    Joe LaVigne, Feb 25, 2007
  4. ethel mertz

    BlackGT2000 Guest

    I guess my point was a more strict apples to apples comparison where 2
    cars off the showroom floor 90 and 07 are compared. I don't like
    comparing cars with aftermarket parts because it makes the comparo hard
    to do, and it would have to exclude the majority of people who buy the
    cars and leave the car stock. Also, in regards to the actual impact, I
    don't even think it would be a fair comparison between an older honda
    and a new one. You are correct about the front end crash tests being
    pretty good on the older hondas, but they are not as good as the new
    ones. Also, there is so much extra safety equipment in the new cars,
    that it really can be said that the car is built around the safety
    equipment. Time has shown that the older hondas are certainly great
    cars (especially when compared to their contemporaries) but the company
    certainly has come a long way when it comes to safety, even given the
    weight increase. Also, in regards to the 48% of crashes being head
    on, that means that you have better odds of being hit from one of the
    sides or the rear. You would have less than a 50/50 shot of being hit
    in your "safe" zone. Bear in mind all the times that "the accident
    wasn't my fault", this implies that you were hit, and by most
    descriptions this is usually not head on. That means nearly every time
    that you are hit (most likely in a way that you can not avoid, being the
    victim). A quick, maneuverable car is not really a reliable way to
    prevent an accident, because 9 times out of 10 its driver error not the
    car. To say a good offense is a good defense would not ring true in a
    driving situation....... here it would be correct to say that a good
    defense is a good defense.:2cents:
    BlackGT2000, Feb 25, 2007
  5. ethel mertz

    jim beam Guest

    but it's not "apples to apples" because the suspension is different!
    my cars /are/ stock. i used the same stock wheels for these comparisons.
    front or rear is "safe". sides are impossible to make safe, unless you
    don't mind having doors 3' thick and some weird seatbelt assembly that
    holds you back from the sides of the vehicle like a traditional seatbelt
    holds you off the steering wheel.
    pretty much by definition, almost /all/ accidents are driver error. if
    i hit someone in the rear because my car takes more distance to stop,
    it's still my fault, but having a lighter car with a shorter stopping
    distance means i'm much more likely to avoid accident statistics completely.
    so drive a tank! and make sure you can't be thrown against the insides
    of the vehicle in an accident. and wear a helmet.

    actually, since cars would be significantly safer if we did wear
    helmets, why not do that rather than endlessly increase the oil we buy
    from a bunch of rag heads by having heavier and heavier vehicles? oh,
    jim beam, Feb 25, 2007
  6. ethel mertz

    Robert Barr Guest

    The US EX comes standard with DRL. Not sure about the other models.
    Robert Barr, Feb 26, 2007
  7. ethel mertz

    Tegger Guest

    That's interesting.

    Can you turn them off if you want?
    Tegger, Feb 26, 2007
  8. ethel mertz

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    The Si comes with them, too, and no, there is no switch for them.

    I suppose you could disable them with proper knowledge, but I don't see a
    reason why. I kinda like having them. They reduce insurance rates, and
    they keep me from getting a ticket if I leave the house and forget to turn
    on the Headlights at dusk... ;-)
    Joe LaVigne, Feb 26, 2007
  9. ethel mertz

    BlackGT2000 Guest

    I don't know man, the facts seem pretty clear to me. I can't find any
    specs on a stock CRX (for example) that prove it to have any better
    performance (specifically braking/skidpad) than a stock modern civic.
    I don't think that its braking/cornering prowess can be used as an
    example of superior safety. Not only that but the new cars are tested
    higher in all categories of safety. There is really no reasonable
    argument to say the contrary.

    Also, why was my example not apples to apples? The car does have a
    different suspension, but it is standard from the factory. Two factory
    vehicles compared is basically apples to apples in my eyes. Am I
    BlackGT2000, Feb 26, 2007
  10. ethel mertz

    Robert Barr Guest

    Same here. In Illinois, it's the law that you must run headlights
    whenever you use your wipers. I'm pretty good about remembering (and in
    most cases, on dark days, I'll be one of the first drivers out there to
    run with headlights, no matter what the law is). Sometimes I forget,
    though, and the DRL's would keep me from getting a ticket.

    What's more likely is that a cop will pass me in the rain with no
    headlights and the wipers going...

    They reduce insurance rates, and
    Robert Barr, Feb 26, 2007
  11. ethel mertz

    jim beam Guest

    eh? you don't think better braking is safer? likewise cornering?
    where does braking or cornering figure in impact testing?
    because the suspension is different.
    eh? so a vette and a geo metro are the same because they're both from a
    g.m. factory?
    no disrespect, but i think you are, yes.
    jim beam, Feb 27, 2007
  12. ethel mertz

    BlackGT2000 Guest

    No disrespect taken, its a friendly discussion here. I am just saying
    that a 2007 does in fact corner as well as a 90 CRX and does in fact
    brake as well. The car is heavier but it has not shown to hinder it in
    cornering/braking. Tires and suspension aside, the figures are about
    equal. I don't see where the suspension matters, given that they both
    are accomplishing the same performance. Even neglecting all the other
    safety equipment/safer structure, where is the advantage of the older
    BlackGT2000, Feb 28, 2007
  13. ethel mertz

    jim beam Guest

    BlackGT2000 wrote:
    i can't answer those questions without repeating myself.
    jim beam, Feb 28, 2007
  14. ethel mertz

    BlackGT2000 Guest

    I feel I have reached the same point. Perhaps something is lost when
    its written word rather than voice. Oh well.
    BlackGT2000, Feb 28, 2007
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