2008 Honda Civic Ex Maintenance Schedule

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Avalon1178, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. Avalon1178

    Avalon1178 Guest

    Hi, I recently bought a new 2008 Honda Civic Sedan EX after my older
    model (2005) was totalled during a car accident. I'm still getting
    used to the new car but so far so good. One big big change with the
    new car is what appears to be the absence of a maintenance schedule.
    I'm used to going to the service at 5000 miles intervals and following
    the owner's manual as to when to service my car. Now with all the new
    features in the 2008 model like maintenance reminders etc, and the
    absence of a schedule maintenance in the owner's manual, is there no
    point to following your standard 5000 miles scheduled maintenance to,
    say, get your oil change etc or your typical 10,000-interval mile
    service to a shop (like tire rotation, brake fluid check, etc)?
    Avalon1178, Feb 2, 2008
  2. No, there's a maintenance schedule. Read your owner's manual.

    Read your owner's manual. It spells things out quite clearly.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 2, 2008
  3. Avalon1178

    Avalon1178 Guest

    The only "schedule" I see in my manual is the one mentioned in pages
    228-229 of the 2008 Hondai Civic Sedan, but this is exactly what I"m
    talking about, its not a "schedule" like you said but more of a
    "minder" which I posted originally. In my old 2005 manual, it spells
    it out such that at every 5000 mi, you change the oil, at 10000 mi you
    change oil + other stuff, at 30000 mi interval you do major service
    etc (located at the middle of the page). What "manual" are you
    talking about?
    See my reply above. Show me what page where "it spells things out
    quite clearly". For example, I've always replaced my engine oil at
    every 5000 mi, but the 2008 civic you basically have to rely on the
    reminder whether your oil is 15% or 10% etc. It doesn't say in the
    manual the recommended time to replace the oil (i.e. every 6 months or
    every 5000 mi). What happens if the dealer forgets to reset the
    reminder or, worse, malfunctions?
    Avalon1178, Feb 2, 2008
  4. "Avalon1178" wrote
    reminder whether your oil is 15% or 10% etc. It doesn't say in the
    manual the recommended time to replace the oil (i.e. every 6 months or
    every 5000 mi). What happens if the dealer forgets to reset the
    reminder or, worse, malfunctions?

    That's where your brain comes in. If that doesn't work, visit the dealer, to
    whom you gave many thousands of dollars, and ask how this new "system"
    Howard Lester, Feb 2, 2008
  5. Avalon1178

    jim beam Guest

    how hard is this concept? do you fill the gas tank every 300 miles or
    when the gauge shows you should? same principle applies with the the
    maint sched reminder!

    and if they "forget" reset it, not only will you not be paying them,
    you'll see the percentage stay the same and you'll be calling the dealer
    to have them sort it out. if it malfunctions, since it's integrated
    with your engine management computer, the car will be dead and you'll be
    calling the dealer for warranty repair.
    jim beam, Feb 2, 2008
  6. Avalon1178

    Avalon1178 Guest

    WTF? What's your problem? Are you the sorry son of a Honda dealer/
    salesman that one little critique of the maintenance schedule got your
    little feathers all ruffled? I know how this thing works, and that
    wasn't my original question from this post. Maybe YOU should check
    your brain (or what's left of it) and start reading the thread from
    the beginning.
    Avalon1178, Feb 2, 2008
  7. Avalon1178

    Avalon1178 Guest

    Dude would you f***ing relax? I just asked if there is a schedule in
    the new civics such as those in the older models. I in no way did I
    say the new features are bad. It was a new thing that caught me by
    surprise, in a good way. If there's no schedule in the manual, then
    fine! Can anyone get a simple "yes" or "no" answer here anymore?
    Avalon1178, Feb 2, 2008
  8. Avalon1178

    nick Guest

    Check your owner's manual under the section that says maintenance
    minder. It will tell you what each letter and number corresponds to
    what service you need to perform on the car at that time.
    nick, Feb 2, 2008
  9. The "minder" is the result of the engine computer, which is keeping very
    close track of EXACTLY how you drive the car and what wear you put on it.

    The schedule is inside the computer, and the computer tells you when
    your driving habits warrant a given service.

    How is that so difficult to understand or accept? It's much more
    precise than "well, it's been about 6 months since I've seen ol' Goober
    down at the fillin' station, so it must be time."

    And years ago we used buy and play vinyl records. Do you go to the
    Apple Store, pick up an iPod, and ask the guy, "Where's the stylus?
    Where do I put the record on?"?

    The same manual you're reading. Follow it.

    Why the resistance to following it?

    Pages 228-229.

    Why the resistance to following the schedule that Honda's engineers have
    spelled out? The fact that they've spelled it out only in the computer,
    which is able to take into account every little aspect of how you drive
    the car and therefore know exactly how much wear their components and
    lubricants have received?

    The old "do it every X months or Y thousand miles" was there as a best
    guesstimate, because the technology wasn't built into the car to record
    every cold start, every RPM load, and so on. But now that it is there,
    we don't go by simple time or miles--we go by much more precise

    And those measurements are understood by the engineers who built the
    car, and the results of the measurements are well understood by the
    engineers who built the car.

    Why the resistance to following it?
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 2, 2008
  10. how hard is this concept? do you fill the gas tank every 300 miles or
    when the gauge shows you should? same principle applies with the the
    maint sched reminder![/QUOTE]

    Good one. Let's see him respond to THAT.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 2, 2008
  11. His question is valid: how hard is this concept?

    You're resisting it very, very much. You want a crude time/mileage
    table. I suppose you also avoid modern vaccines, and you drink
    unpasteurized milk.

    Well, how's this: fill your gas tank every 200 miles or 5 days,
    whichever comes first. Don't use that gas gauge that gives you ACTUAL
    information about the fill status of the gas tank. That's just stupid.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 2, 2008
  12. No.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 2, 2008
  13. You manufactured a circumstance that (a) wouldn't happen, or (b) is
    easily rectified if it did happen by mistake--and used that as "this is
    why I need a time/miles maintenance schedule!"

    Quit manufacturing things to be worried about. Sheesh. You're like an
    old woman.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 2, 2008
  14. Avalon1178

    Avalon1178 Guest

    Wow little Elmo, that REALLY "spells" it out in the manual!
    Who said I'm not accepting this or having difficulty to understand? I
    essentially just asked if the new models have a "strict" recommended
    schedule to adhere to, like in older models. If not, then fine.
    Actually, its good that it doesn't. I just wanted to know if this
    "minder" is sufficient enough to keep the maintenance on check.
    I guess you're THAT old to remember vinyl records? And you call
    yourself "Elmo"?
    Who said I'm not gonna follow it? Can't you read my original
    question? A simple "yes" or "no" is all I'm looking for. Geez, did I
    just offend your Honda religion or something?

    Yeah, you spelled it out quite "clearly" alright ("oh oh, the schedule
    is in the computer...")
    That's good! I like that they did that! And I never said I was
    resisting. All I asked if it matters to adhere to a schedule
    anymore. If the "minder" is all that requires, then great!
    Seriously dude, someone should grab you by the tummy so you can start
    giggling like those tickle-me dolls from years back. Or is that too
    recent for you that all you remember in your hay days are vinyl
    Avalon1178, Feb 3, 2008
  15. Avalon1178

    TomP Guest

    Follow the maintenance minder, or service once a year, which ever occurs
    first. Include tire rotation too.

    This is right out of the service manual:
    If the message ''SERVICE'' does not appear more than 12 months after the
    display is reset, change the engine oil every year.
    Replace the brake fluid every 3 years (Independent of the maintenance
    messages in the information display).
    Inspect the idle speed every 160,000 miles (256,000 km).
    TomP, Feb 3, 2008
  16. Avalon1178

    Avalon1178 Guest

    Great! That's all I'm looking for. No need to get offended just
    because someone made a comment to your Honday gods
    Avalon1178, Feb 3, 2008
  17. The manual couldn't be clearer--follow the maintenance minder.

    You're manufacturing things out of thin air here. You don't WANT to
    follow the minder, for some reason unknown to anyone.

    So you read the owner's manual, which spells everything out. You chose
    not to believe the manufacturer, choosing instead to come to the Usenet
    and ask random strangers--most of whom would be highly entertained by
    sending you on a snipe hunt.

    Yeah, THAT'S a good choice.

    Instead of sending you on a snipe hunt, we give you actual
    information--and we're watching you refuse the actual information (which
    correlates with what the manufacturer says, interestingly enough) and
    instead defend your original choice of refusing to believe the
    manufacturer. Equally entertaining, in the end.

    You can still buy vinyl records, but you have to search them out. Not
    sure why my choice of monicker is involved in that particular discussion.

    You did.

    So you read the owner's manual, which spells everything out. You chose
    not to believe the manufacturer, choosing instead to come to the Usenet
    and ask random strangers--most of whom would be highly entertained by
    sending you on a snipe hunt.

    Nice try at trying to avoid the question. Why didn't you answer it?

    As for "hay days," that would be feeding time at the horse stable.
    Maybe you were trying to talk about a heyday?

    English. It's a great language. Use it.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 3, 2008
  18. Avalon1178

    Avalon1178 Guest

    Ding ding ding! NIce. You're not that stupid after all.....
    Avalon1178, Feb 3, 2008
  19. "Avalon1178" wrote
    question? A simple "yes" or "no" is all I'm looking for. Geez, did I
    just offend your Honda religion or something?

    Your original post included wondering a) what happens if the "minder"
    malfunctions, and b) what happens if the dealer forgets to reset it. (It was
    to those that I responded.) Those are not "yes or no" questions. So in the
    future, be clear with your communication, and we'll respond accordingly.
    There are a lot of bright, knowledgeable people here who really do go out of
    their way to help... and respond accordingly. Seriously, I hope you enjoy
    your new car.

    This has been a very entertaining thread; thank you all!
    Howard Lester, Feb 3, 2008
  20. Avalon1178

    jim beam Guest

    have you noticed how people here don't like answering dumb questions?
    you want to pay me, i'll give you any answer you want. if you don't
    want to pay me, you got to interest me - and bleating about what you're
    getting for free just doesn't do that.
    jim beam, Feb 3, 2008
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