2009 Accord Rear Speakers

Discussion in 'Accord' started by dristan24, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. dristan24

    dristan24 Guest

    One of the rear speakers has blown in our 2009 Accord, and needs to be
    replaced. Does anyone know how to remove the covers and speakers? As
    well, does anyone know what size the speakers are (6x9???), and what
    they should be replaced with?
    dristan24, Jan 31, 2010
  2. dristan24

    tww1491 Guest

    Would not your warranty cover this?
    tww1491, Jan 31, 2010
  3. you mean to tell me you have over 36K miles on your 1 year old car, and
    it's not under warranty anymore?
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 31, 2010
  4. dristan24

    Tegger Guest

    Why on earth would you try to fix this problem yourself when Honda will
    give you a FREE fix?

    Don't break those fragile interior parts yourself, but instead let the
    dealership break them and replace them at no cost to you.

    The warranty that came with your new Honda made up part of its purchase
    price. Use it.
    Tegger, Jan 31, 2010
  5. dristan24

    TomP Guest

    I agree, this should be covered by warranty, unless out by mileage.

    To remove the rear speakers requires removal of the rear shelf first.
    Which requires removal of the rear seat back and the "C" pillar trim
    pieces (which have a one time use only clip.) The rear shelf then lifts
    out an you can access the speaker screws.


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    TomP, Jan 31, 2010
  6. dristan24

    Tegger Guest

    Even if out by mileage, this sort of thing is often covered under the
    "goodwill" warranty, so it's still /not/ a good idea to monkey with it
    until warranty coverage is definitely ruled out.

    OP should visit his dealer and ask them to fix it.
    Tegger, Jan 31, 2010
  7. dristan24

    dristan24 Guest

    Agreed. The warranty is still valid, and Honda will cover the repair.
    My issue is that the factory supplied speakers are woefully
    inadequate, and I would like to replace them with something more
    competent. I am pretty sure that Honda would not install the speakers
    I supply. It sounds like I have no other option, other than going back
    to the factory speakers.
    dristan24, Feb 1, 2010
  8. dristan24

    Tegger Guest

    Were you running them at full-volume all the time?

    It might have simply been a defective speaker, you know. Potential defects
    are the reason you have a warranty in the first place.

    Honda does not work on customer cars.

    The dealer, on the other hand, might be willing to install your speakers,
    but they'll probably give you dire warnings about warranty invalidation.
    Many electrical problems are due to people monkeying with the factory

    Right now that would be an excellent idea. Keep your car OEM for the
    duration of the warranty, then do what you like after that.
    Tegger, Feb 1, 2010
  9. But if you can plug in aftermarket speakers in a way that doesn't alter
    the factory harness--which is the only way I'd do it--then there's no

    The dealer probably sells aftermarket gear, as a matter of fact.
    They're happy to do whatever makes them money. If they're on the ball,
    they have this all figured out already.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 2, 2010

  10. Try Crutchfield (http://www.crutchfield.com). They typically have all
    the right harnesses for after market speakers.

    Khalid Aziz
    See signature for email address, Feb 2, 2010
  11. dristan24

    Seth Guest

    They also have the various charts to tell one what does or does not fit and
    usually include adapter harnesses for free with applicable purchase (as well
    as detailed instructions on performing the installation with pictures
    specific to your car).
    Seth, Feb 2, 2010
  12. "dristan24" wrote
    My issue is that the factory supplied speakers are woefully
    inadequate, and I would like to replace them with something more
    competent. I am pretty sure that Honda would not install the speakers
    I supply. It sounds like I have no other option, other than going back
    to the factory speakers.


    Two things: 1) After suffering through years of Honda's rear speakers being
    "woefully inadequate" and having to change them out, my 2004 Accord EX's
    speakers are more than just fine. I saw no need to replace them. I'm a bass
    player, should that mean anything. Unless the 2009's are a lot worse than
    mine, I don't know that replacements will be all that much better. Maybe,
    maybe not.

    2) For my then new 1997 Civic I bought replacement 6x9 Polk speakers (from
    Crutchfield), and took the car to my dealer asking for help. (Both front and
    rear OEM's were awful.) The service manager, white shirt and all, crawled
    into the trunk and removed the rear shelf, removed the required portions of
    the back seat.... then handed me back the car. I drove it to a quiet area of
    the lot and replaced the speakers. Then I brought the car back to the
    service area where, as I recall, they put it all back together. No charge.
    It was the second new car I'd bought from them, so I guess after seven years
    they must have grown to like me.
    Howard Lester, Feb 3, 2010
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