2010 Accord EX4 city mileage ng

Discussion in 'Accord' started by JRStern, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. JRStern

    JRStern Guest

    Last few weeks I've been putting on more surface street miles than for
    quite a while. Still about half my weekly miles are freeway, where I
    get about 29mpg. Combined I'm getting barely 24mpg. That suggests
    it's really sucking around town.

    OK, I have been running up the revs a little on the surface streets.
    The car seems to have three modes. Economode, not bad performance but
    could be better. That's how I've been driving it for the first four
    months. To the redline mode, when it moves very nicely. I'm not in
    that much of a hurry, and don't believe the car will put up with a lot
    of it. And the third mode is anything in between, but that often
    seems really "sticky". Is it just a few excursions towards the
    redline that eat the mileage? Does anyone drive Accord EX4 sedans in
    that mode?

    JRStern, Apr 18, 2010
  2. JRStern

    TE Cheah Guest

    | freeway, where I get about 29mpg
    Without coasting ? On RON95 or 97 petrol ? Nitrogen in tyres ?
    How slowly can engine idle stably w-o load ? Synthetic oil ?

    My SM4 ( its F20A w-o load can now idle perfectly stably @550
    rpm, injectors' voltage reduced to 3.85v, many flaws &
    inadequacies corrected, EGR & ALB disabled, has long branch
    4-2-1 manifold & 0.2 ohm spark cables ) with coasting on clear
    highway & RON95 & nitrogen & synthetic + fullerene, now can
    score 18.4 kpl ( 43.4 mpg ) in 31ºC humid air.
    TE Cheah, Apr 24, 2010
  3. Don't forget the aluminum foil beanie.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 24, 2010
  4. First point is ignore Cheah unless you are driving the van for the
    loony bin in which case, pick him up.

    Your mileage sounds about right if you are getting on it a little.
    What do you mean by running up the rpms a little? 4000, 5000, 6000?

    For the record, you can run the engine up to redline every day and it
    will still be ready again at 150,000+ miles. (The transmission might
    be a different story.) Try keeping the rpm between 2000 and 3000 and
    be gentle on the pedal around town if you want to save gas. I am more
    in the redline school of thought.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 24, 2010
  5. JRStern

    Joe Sixpack Guest

    It's your driving that is sucking! :)
    What do you mean by 'modes?' Is there a switch on the dash? If not,
    it's all down to the loose nut behind the wheel.

    Here's a good answer.

    In short, ANTICIPATING traffic and lights will get you an instant 25%
    increase in city mileage.

    More significant improvements can be had by running the engine in the
    efficiency 'sweet spot' when you need to accelerate. As a general rule,
    best fuel efficiency, or BSFC, occurs at lower revs (20~50% of redline)
    and intermediate throttle levels (40 to 75% or so). Do a search for
    'bsfc map' You can exploit this by short shifting and applying a fair
    amount of pedal. Don't get too close to full throttle, or the ECU will
    likely richen the mix to make maximum power. Once up to cruising speed,
    jump to the top gear and putt along. If you've got a stick, you can
    even slip it out of gear if you're coming up on a light or can glide
    down a gentle hill.
    Joe Sixpack, Apr 24, 2010
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