32 mpg in a Toyota Tacoma

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Xu, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Xu

    Xu Guest

    It can be done:
    Xu, Sep 20, 2009
  2. Xu

    Desertphile Guest

    Yes, the best way to increase fuel economy is to slow down. Most
    devices for sale that claim to increase fuel economy (such as the
    idiot "HHO" devices) do not work.
    Desertphile, Sep 20, 2009
  3. "Half of my driving is done on country backroads or in towns and about
    one-third on highways. The results is about 23.5 mpg."

    Which is only a mile and a half above what I get in my 2002, 6 cy, auto DC
    by not rabbiting, screeching to a stop and using the hills properly [slowing
    slightly on the up and gaining speed back on the down].

    Sir F. A. Rien, Sep 20, 2009
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