4 cylinder better than V6?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Benjamin Bootstrap, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. I am 100% positive that Honda deliberately built not one but TWO
    versions of an inferior transmission, and deliberately pushed it out to
    its customers who had other expectations based on Honda's reputation.

    Honda has shown that it is not against trashing its reputation to make
    money--or at the very least, Honda has shown that senior management is
    not on the stick with regard to protecting its reputation.

    In short: as far as I'm concerned, while I don't put Honda into the
    GM/Ford category, they're not looking out for me one itsy bitsy bit.
    They've shown that they are capable of not caring what I think of them
    six months after I've bought the car.

    They are now in a position of earning that back--and it's FAR harder to
    earn a reputation than to lose one.

    I sincerely hope someone at Honda lost big during those years they let
    the beancounters run the show, and ignored the engineers wholesale.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jul 5, 2009
  2. Benjamin Bootstrap

    L Alpert Guest

    Yeah. Like the transmissions they put on their 6 cylinder engines,
    the way from the 1998 model year through the 2004 model year.[/QUOTE]

    Of which I have 2 vehicles that have both been repaired and had the
    warranty extended as well.
    Bean counters run businesses. It's unfortunate, but they (businesses)
    don't run on conscience. Just think Pinto.....
    L Alpert, Jul 5, 2009
  3. Prior to the mid-90s, Honda understood the balance of beancounting and

    It's when they let the beancounters tell the engineers to "**** off,
    build what we tell you for the money we tell you" that things went to
    hell. In many very OBVIOUS and bad ways.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jul 6, 2009
  4. Benjamin Bootstrap

    jim beam Guest

    how those same pinto assholes got away with the same kind of financial
    sociopathy that killed thousands of americans with the exploder fiasco
    is beyond me. those vehicles should never have rolled just because of a
    flat tire. and they shouldn't have had the cabins crush when they did.
    but frod knew they would and calculated that potential payouts were
    trivial compared to profits. thus, just like they did with the pinto,
    they decided to continue rather than redesign. americans died for frod
    profits. execs should be in jail for that. period.
    jim beam, Jul 6, 2009
  5. Benjamin Bootstrap

    L Alpert Guest

    We are in perfect agreement on this.
    L Alpert, Jul 6, 2009
  6. Unfortunately as much as Elmo's post seems like conspiracy theory, but
    it has some truths to it. It's kind of like Rebates - the companies
    are banking that not everybody will remember to return the rebates, or
    they make mistakes by sending in the wrong this or writing the wrong
    information on rebates so they can deny it.

    I've actually read a study on this in a car magazine a few years ago.
    Not everybody gets a recall notice because of change of address,
    change of ownership, etc. Therefore, the owners of these
    Hondas/Acuras will go to their local shop to fix the transmissions
    because it's cheaper than the dealership. Beancounter wins.
    Benjamin Bootstrap, Jul 6, 2009
  7. Prez Obama's in charge, and now he owns the American car companies. US
    Government, who answers to nobody, now are in the business of
    producing cars.... can you say PINTO II!
    Benjamin Bootstrap, Jul 6, 2009
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