"4 minute" Honda Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by normanstrong, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. normanstrong

    normanstrong Guest

    I own a 1987 Honda Accord. Lately, it's been stopping after the
    engine has been on for about 4 minutes. At that point it stops--as if
    someone turned off the fuel. It will not start again until it's sat
    for a goodly amount of time. How long I'm not sure, but at least an

    Has anyone out there in Honda land run into a similar problem? There
    are no repair shops within 4 minutes of my house, so I'm facing a tow
    job if I can't figure it out myself.

    Please, please help me if you possibly can.

    Thanks, and happy Halloween,

    Norm Strong (my address is good)
    normanstrong, Oct 31, 2003
  2. normanstrong

    Caliban Guest

    My experience is mostly with Honda engine electrical problems, so my suggestion
    below is biased by this. Others will provide suggestions that you should
    explore, too.

    When was the last time you had a new distributor coil installed?

    Does the problem seem to be worsening?

    Aged and failing distributor coils are notorious for causing problems after the
    car is warmed up. I estimate around $100 for the part (you can probably buy it
    online) and another $100 at the dealer to install it. Or, if you're handy, you
    should go for it.

    Updates for the edification of all here are always welcome. Hope you can get it
    fixed quickly!
    Caliban, Oct 31, 2003
  3. normanstrong

    Graham W Guest

    I changed the coil for a second hand one and the problem cleared up
    but ... it came back! As it was second hand coil it may be exhibiting
    the same fault as the one which was originally fitted. It does seem to
    be temperature related. See the article in the Miscellanea section
    called Rover 216GSi on my website below.
    Graham W, Oct 31, 2003
  4. normanstrong

    lcopps Guest

    Sounds just like what my 1988 Accord did. Your carburator needs to be
    rebuilt. After your engine burns the fuel in the float bowl, it dies.
    Also check your fuel filters. An accord has 2. A good auto shop can
    rebuild your carburator.
    lcopps, Nov 1, 2003
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