4th bad brakelight switch 2001 Odessy

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dka_donh, May 14, 2007.

  1. dka_donh

    dka_donh Guest

    I have a Odessy and today my break light switch went out again for the
    4th time since be bought the van (New in 2000).
    Of cource the way we find out we have no break lights is we can't put
    the van in gear.

    We had 2 go out in the first 36k and the third @ 70k.
    I now have 100k and my 4th switch is bad.

    The dealer changed the first 2 and I had to fight with them to get the
    3rd. one change out of warrenty.

    Before I buy anothe Honda switch...
    Has anyone else had this problem?
    Is ther an aftermarket (NAPA etc..) switch that has a better life.

    dka_donh, May 14, 2007
  2. dka_donh

    motsco_ Guest


    Have you SEARCHED on www.odyclub and google.com? It doesn't sound
    common, unless the switch isn't adjusted properly, so you're whacking it
    every time you release the pedal...

    motsco_, May 14, 2007
  3. dka_donh

    jim beam Guest

    let me guess - you live in the city. and you ride the brAKES a lot. if
    urban driving average speed is 15mph, 36k is ~2000 hours. you won't be
    driving with the brAKES all the time, so lets say 25% of that time,
    you're stuck in traffic with the light on. that's 500 hours. that's
    not so bad. just change the bulb and forget about it. use long life
    bulbs if you want. or preemptively swap them out every year.

    oh, there's no way a switch can cause bulb failure - other than by
    racking up the hours of course.
    jim beam, May 14, 2007
  4. dka_donh

    ~misfit~ Guest

    Now I know why you call yourself after alcohol. You drink so much you can't
    understand a simple post.

    (Hint: Are bulbs mentioned anywhere at all in the original post?)

    Back to your bottle....
    ~misfit~, May 14, 2007
  5. dka_donh

    dka_donh Guest

    Yes I've searched Odyclub and didn't really find any one else with
    this problem. As for the adjustment well it was replaced by a factory
    technician at the dealer every time.
    I took it out only this last weekend to see if I could find any
    problem with the installation.
    Kind of hard to mess up.. just screws through the peddle support
    bracket.. but I will have to get a manual and see how far the factory
    this is my wife van and she drive @30 miles a day to work and back,
    doesn't drive with her foot on the brake and not a hole lot of start
    stop driving.
    I guess I pay and get another one.

    One thing I did find out when I had the switch out.
    It is a plastic base and a metal end (with the threads and push
    button) I hit on the metal end and must of freed up the contacts
    inside because not it works..
    dka_donh, May 15, 2007
  6. dka_donh

    rjdriver Guest

    The break switch went on my 2003 Accord at about 40000 miles. The
    replacement switch from the dealer was a little different. The piston was
    thicker and the hole thing a different shape. I'm at 98000 now and still

    These are flimsy parts at best. Molded plastic and a few springs and
    metal contacts. The replacement part was only $11.50. Honda has apparently
    cut some corners here, as I have had 4 other Hondas in the past and never
    replaced this part before. Yours seems to be an extreme case, that might be
    due to unusual usage or something that doesn't line up right in your break
    pedal assembly. This is not a complicated DIY project if you want to avoid
    paying someone $65 - $80/hour, regardless of where you end up buying the
    replacement part.

    rjdriver, May 15, 2007
  7. dka_donh

    dka_donh Guest

    Yes, I had it out the other night and there is nothing to replacing it
    and I will do it myself from now on.
    (Cost at dealer $34 NAPA and other repair stores do not carry it)

    Hopefully this will be the last one.

    Dealer did say bring it in, when it's not, working and they will look
    at it.
    I asked them if they would cover the repair to the van if someone
    hits her in the rear because there are no break lights while we a
    bringing it in. (no answer) and when I get the switch working (by
    hitting it) then we take it in, they can not find a problem with it.

    It could be worse, this has been a good vehicle and she really likes
    to drive it.

    I would still recommend it to anyone

    dka_donh, May 16, 2007
  8. dka_donh

    rjdriver Guest

    Wow! It's up to $34.00 now. Amazing.

    With the tailgating addiction growing at a rapid pace, it has become
    even more important to be sure your brake lights work. When my switch went,
    it did exactly the opposite. Turned my brake lights on even when the pedal
    wasn't pushed. It almost killed the battery one night, as the lights came
    on by themselves after I had parked the car for the night. Just happened to
    glance out the window before going to bed and noticed the red glow. Had to
    bang the switch a few times to get them to go off. That, and the
    transmission interlock connection made it a frustrating little problem, as
    my switch intermittently died over a period of a month or so

    rjdriver, May 17, 2007
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