'78 Honda Civic - Stuck wheel drum .....

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Alexis Ostapenko, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. Hi, All Responders:
    I've learned so much from you.

    Herewith are the results.
    (My original request is at the bottom for reference.)

    1) Stuck rear wheel drum.
    After I backed the shoes off to the maximum, the drum
    just slid off the axle. (The linings were still OK to pass
    the inspection.) The linings had eaten into the drum, and
    a ridge formed at the outer edge. There was also quite a
    bit of encrusted rust. This ridge was preventing the drum
    to come off. I filed the ridge off, and now everything is

    2) Mayonaise-like sludge on the oil filler cap.
    Most likely, this is the result of condensation water
    since lately I have been driving mainly 5-6 mile commuter
    trips. Later, I'll make the "lick test" to verify that
    the sludge does not result from a coolant leakage.
    (Coolant makes it taste sweet. This was suggested by one
    of you.)

    Thanks again to all of you. Alex

    CC: My original message:
    Please help!
    What to do? I cannot get off the rear wheel drum
    on my trusty '78 Honda Civic (just 100,305 M on it)
    to check the brake shoes. The nut is off, and I've
    loosened the brake adjustment, but the drum does
    not come off. (It can be rotated.) I've tried
    prying with a screw driver between the drum edge
    and the back plate, but no luck.
    The other rear wheel drum just slides off.

    The other question I have is about the oil filler cap.
    Especially when it is cold outside, the oil filler cap
    is covered with some Mayonaise-like substance.
    What is this emulsion? Does it do any harm?
    I would appreciate any suggestions. Especially,
    about the drum.
    Thanks, Alex
    Alexis Ostapenko, Feb 22, 2005
  2. Feels good to fix it yourself, doesn't it?

    I would skip the lick test (yucch.) If the coolant level isn't
    dropping it's OK. The six mile trips are a problem though. Having
    that much condensation in the crankcase is bad. You should change the
    oil now and then start taking it on a 20+ mile ride at least once a
    week. Even then, you should change the oil every three months
    regardless of milage.
    Gordon McGrew, Feb 22, 2005
  3. Alexis Ostapenko

    TeGGer® Guest

    And I got laughed at for suggesting just this.

    Take it for a minimum half-hour highway drive FIRST, then see if the
    mayonnaise is still there. If it is, THEN taste it. But wipe it off the tip
    of your tongue after.
    TeGGer®, Feb 22, 2005
  4. Alexis Ostapenko

    TeGGer® Guest

    (Gordon McGrew) wrote in
    Every TWO months in winter if mayonnaise is forming. Your bearings won't
    appreciate the water in the oil.
    TeGGer®, Feb 22, 2005
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