'82 Prelude, 120K service worth doing?

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Travis, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Travis

    Travis Guest

    Hi, All,

    I'm the original owner of a 1982 Prelude (auto trans) that has had all major and
    intermediate service routines performed at dealerships during it's light-duty life.
    I'm only now approaching 120,000 miles and receiving the predictable spam on the
    major service interval, basically "check this, inspect that." (below)

    At its age, is this worth the $300-plus that both dealer and trusted local shops
    want? I've always re-set and obeyed my three green service interval indicators,
    cared for the oil, watched the vital fluids, live in Virginia where brakes, tires,
    etc. are annually gone over. New plugs might be nice, maybe a brake fluid bleed, but
    most of this looks like an invitation to pay $300 for the privilege of rousing
    otherwise happy sleeping dogs a la "those struts could stand replacing" -- and, as
    evidenced by this post -- I'm ignorant enough.

    I've always believed in preventive maintenance, but driving a car barely _worth_
    $300, should I be thinking more in the "if it ain't broke ..." school? The car runs
    well and looks great after three rust and paint jobs, but, after 22 years, can't be
    in my life for all that much longer. (Just getting in and out is exercise.)

    Many thanks for your advice,


    Mileage: 30,000 - 60,000 - 90,000 - 120,000 - etc.
    a.. Engine oil and filter - replace
    b.. Fluid levels - top off all
    c.. Lube hinges, locks, latches, and hood cable
    d.. Front / Rear brakes - visual inspection
    e.. Transmission fluid - drain & refill
    f.. Lights - check operation
    g.. Clutch - adjust if applicable
    h.. Battery posts - inspect & clean
    i.. Fuel lines, tank, lines & connections - inspect
    j.. Spark plugs - replace (except platinum plugs)
    k.. Distributor cap & rotor - inspect
    l.. Tires - balance rear tires and rotate to front; adjust pressure & inspect tire
    wear pattern
    m.. Coolant system - Check level & test protection
    n.. Wiper blades - check operation & wear
    o.. Park brake - adjust & lube as needed
    p.. Front/Rear disc calipers & hoses
    q.. Air filter - inspect
    r.. Exhaust system - inspect
    s.. Suspension, struts & steering - inspect
    t.. Adjust valve clearance if applicable
    u.. Brake Fluid - replace and bleed system
    Travis, Dec 30, 2004
  2. Travis

    jim beam Guest

    my friends took an 88 accord to 360,000, then gave it away. the current
    owner still drives it daily. the transmission fluid had never been
    changed year after year because "it's going to die this year, so what's
    the point". you may well be in the same position. skip the expense -
    just keep driving it until there's a problem.
    jim beam, Dec 30, 2004
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