'85 Accord, Hatchback

Discussion in 'Accord' started by NewsGroup, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. NewsGroup

    NewsGroup Guest

    Need guidance please - My grandaughter is trying to keep her 1985 Accord
    going. this week it died on her -she and her friend replaced the battery...
    today she called and it had died on her between Dayton and cincinnati.. said
    the battery light came on 'weaklt' and it stuttered and died (her
    description)... they are towing it to her Mom's house so I plan to check it
    out.. said there was no 'noise' at all when she tried a restart. I am
    thinking it may be the ignition switch... maybe the belt is loose on the
    Any other known issues (other than old age) which should be checked out..
    any advice appreciated. thanks... Ralph G.
    NewsGroup, Mar 10, 2006
  2. NewsGroup

    Elle Guest

    Check the alternator brushes. My site linked below has a
    discussion of this, based on input here as well as a bit of
    my own hands-on with my 91 Civic.

    Elle, Mar 10, 2006
  3. NewsGroup

    Matt Ion Guest

    Sounds like a charging issue to me. First troubleshooting step is to
    try a jumpstart - if that works, the ignition is good. If so, once it's
    running, disonnect the battery - if it dies, then the alternator is not
    working, which could be a loose belt, or that the alt itself is toast.
    Matt Ion, Mar 22, 2006
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