'85 Civic woes

Discussion in 'Civic' started by dax, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. dax

    dax Guest

    here is a strange question:
    because of the big freeze, my '85 Civic would not start... today I
    finally got it going, and it ran for maybe three-four minutes, then
    started to die. I got in and gave gas and it came back for a minute,
    then bogged out. Now it won't start, and I don't seem to have a
    SoI looked under the hood, and while poking around came across three
    open-wire fuses in a box on the left strut tower - "DRL fuses" maybe?
    (whaterer that is) - and the top one has been replaced with a PIECE OF
    Am I screwed? is that a fuse for a $600 "computer"?
    Thanks in advance... guess I'd better start looking for a tow - Ъ×
    dax, Jan 17, 2004
  2. Dax,

    DRL fuses are for Daytime Running Lights, which aren't (weren't
    mandatory in 1985, in USA or Canada) I expect your car would run the
    same with nothing in those fuse holders. Somebody may have used that
    circuit for fog lamps or the BIG STEREO, but I doubt they are original
    equipment. Your Owner's amnual explains what should be in there for YOUR

    Your car may have died due to gas line icing. Once it's happened, it's
    hard to cure without putting the vehicle into a heated place for about
    10 hours. (or 3 hours if you blow a fan under it) You also have to cure
    the cause, which would be water in you gas tank and lines. I use
    ethanol-enhanced gas every now and then, but you could just add some gas
    line antifreeze that they sell at the gas station. Try priming the
    engine with some raw gas or starting fluid (ether) and see if it tries
    to run.

    Another point, try this first: If you're handy, take off the distributor
    cap to see if the rotor is turning when you give the engine a short spin
    with the starter. If not, your timing belt is broken. You didn't mention
    when you last changed it, but it has to be done occasionally.

    Let us know what progress you make... And tell us more of the vehicle's
    history if you don't get it figured out.




    To REPLY: If there are a couple of underscores in my return address,
    you must remove them to reply directly . . . . . . Thanks.

    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    'Curly Q. Links', Jan 18, 2004
  3. dax

    Tegger® Guest

    NO-body put their headlights on in the daytime in 1985. That is a new fad.
    If this guy has DRLs, they were added by a previous owner.

    I'd also suggest this: Pull one of the plug wires off the plug, hold the
    metal end withng a half-inch of a metal part of the engine, and have
    somebody crank the starter. There should be a very noticeable spark. If
    not, the problem is ignition related. If so, it's likely fuel related.
    Tegger®, Jan 18, 2004
  4. dax

    Ðª× Guest

    Thank you both for your prompt replies... I went out in the evening
    and it STARTED! and RAN! - I suspect the ice-in-the-fuel was the
    cause, followed maybe by flooding. Anyway, it seems better now. I
    always keep the tank topped up, but I guess that wasn't enough, so it
    got a dollop of methyl hydrate which may have helped.
    The previous owner had a thumping great stereo which he took with
    him - so maybe the fuse was for that.
    Again, THANKS! I thought this was maybe going to be expensive - Ъ×
    Ъ×, Jan 18, 2004
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