85 CRX Si timing

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Wolfgang Bley, Nov 16, 2003.

  1. My son's timing belt broke and I am trying to help him replace it. All the
    books I have say there are 3 marks on the camshaft sprocket wheel (2
    horizontal dashes and an "UP" embossed stamped on the wheel ; the crankshaft
    pulley timing mark is no problem we see the white TDC mark easily) In our
    case all I see is the 2 horizontal marks that line up with the bottom of the
    head/engine block junction but no indication if I am 180 degrees off the
    mark or not. How do we figure this out? Since we bent some valves we need to
    remove the head too. How do you figure out the distributor marks if your
    timing is in question? Thanks for any help.
    Wolfgang Bley, Nov 16, 2003
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