86 Accord - post warm up idle stall

Discussion in 'Accord' started by bg, Oct 28, 2007.

  1. bg

    bg Guest

    Hi All,

    Advance thanks for any suggestions.

    My 86 Accord (manual / AC) warms up OK on its own. Once I push on the
    throttle and get it out of the warm up process the car simply dies unless I
    keep the RPMs up about 1500. A slow shift is a dead engine and as I drive in
    a hilly urban area this makes for some complex driving gymnastics.

    Have replaced the fuel filters and sprayed some carb cleaner. Don't want to
    start replacing things randomly if I can avoid it.

    Thanks for any thoughts here.

    bg, Oct 28, 2007
  2. bg

    Matt Ion Guest

    99% chance you've got a vacuum leak. Listen for a hissing, whistling or
    sucking sound (other than from the carb venturi). If you can't track it
    that way, try starting around the carb, where the vacuum lines take off,
    and gently pinch off each one to see if it affects the running. If you
    find one that does, follow it outward until you find the leak. If it
    splits out, repeat the pinching process on each branch.
    Matt Ion, Oct 28, 2007
  3. bg

    RWD Guest

    Especially check vacuum lines 8 and 33... those are the usual suspects
    when my '89 LX starts to exhibit those symptoms.

    Good luck, Richard
    RWD, Oct 28, 2007
  4. bg

    JP Guest

    I had something similar several years ago on my 86 accord. There is an idle
    shutoff solenoid on the carburetor that is intended to keep the engine from
    dieseling. If it fails it will result in the engine failing to run at idle
    speed after warming up. It's number 30 in the diagram at the link below.
    You can verify if it is working by checking for a clicking sound when
    connecting to 12V source.


    JP, Oct 29, 2007
  5. bg

    Matt Ion Guest

    There's your other 1% :)
    Matt Ion, Oct 29, 2007
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