87 accord carburator problem,hesitating help

Discussion in 'Accord' started by JJ LOWESTEIN, Jan 21, 2005.



    ihave a 1987 honda accord with a carburator, lastweek iwas driving down the
    highway and wheni stopped in traffic then triedto accelorate, the car
    momentarily hesitated as though it was starved of gas. this kepton happening
    for a week. wheni first start the car in the morning and it is warming up it
    doesnt hesitate its only when it has been fully warmed up. i changed the
    distributor cap rotor, spark wires . i put carb cleaner in the gas tank and
    it kept on doing it. i then sprayed some carb cleaner all around the out
    side of the carb and it seemed to work for a little while then it came back.
    i also changed the air filter. i doubt its the fuel filters cause i just
    changed those less than 6 months ago.
    i heard long ago on car talk that carbs have this injection device that
    injects gas into the carb when u stomp on the gas pedal, could that be it??
    is this device on the outside of the carb and can i change it ? what do u
    guys think the problem is
    JJ LOWESTEIN, Jan 21, 2005

    Stuart Cook Guest

    The acceleration pump, its a diaphram pump that pumps more fuel into the jet
    it 'may' have a pin hole in it....

    Or even

    I had a fiat coupe that had got red sand like residue in the tank that
    slowly crept thru the system and into the fuel bowl in the carb every so
    often it would block the main jet and a strip and clean sorted out check
    your fuel filter if its a see thru for a residue in it

    Might be something different but that¹s the main things that have effected
    carbs with me in the past...


    With the exception of my acty that has sheered the 2 crews on the choke
    butterfly (no where to be seen) and caused mine to stop 'suddenly' never had
    that before looked as if ignition fault as butterfly wedged to flood engine
    all time....

    Never underestimate...
    Stuart Cook, Jan 21, 2005
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