87 Civic 4 door

Discussion in 'Civic' started by cmcski, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. cmcski

    cmcski Guest

    I just purchased this car it has 212K. I replaced the ignition cap and
    rotor, spark plugs, fuel filters and changed the engine oil. It seems to
    run a bit rough, it hunts at idle slightly.

    The real problem is when I turn on the headlights, the idle jumps from
    about 750 to about 2250.

    I have not found any vacuum leaks (doesn't mean there isn't one)

    Anyone have any idea why and how to correct the idle situation.
    cmcski, Jan 10, 2006
  2. cmcski

    cmcski Guest

    Forgot to mention the specs
    Engine 1.5L Carburated
    Trans 5 speed manual

    Again thanks
    cmcski, Jan 10, 2006
  3. cmcski

    cmcski Guest

    Has anyone experienced this problem?
    cmcski, Jan 11, 2006
  4. cmcski

    Elle Guest

    Can you describe the exact nature of the problem? Does the
    car rev high or low at stoplights? Tend to almost stall at
    stoplights? What?
    Elle, Jan 11, 2006
  5. cmcski

    cmcski Guest

    The car is reving high once the lights, blower motor, or rear defroster is
    turned on. It will continue to rev high until those items are turned off.
    If I turn on the A/C and the lights it will rev even higher. It jumps from
    idle 750 to 2250 without the A/C with the A/C over 3000. It does not stall
    out at all. I changed the plugs, cap and rotor when I bought it.
    cmcski, Jan 11, 2006
  6. cmcski

    Elle Guest

    Possibly simply the oxygen sensor. But read through all the

    bought it.

    You know the idle is supposed to be higher for every single
    item you list being turned "on", right?

    Not trying to be a wise-guy/gal. Just wanted to clear this

    So among other things, the question is whether this idle is
    too high, and, sure, it sounds like it to me. For warm up,
    the manual indicates your 87 Civic is supposed to fast idle
    at 2300 to 3300 RPM. But should it be that high when you
    turn on accessories like those you list above?

    If this car landed in my lap, this is what I'd do:

    Did you use genuine Honda parts, or aftermarket parts for
    your recent maintenance? This is not trivial. Reports are
    that non-OEM will affect performance. People seem to notice
    this with just spark plugs!

    Also, what about the ignition wires? Old ignition wires
    frequently are the cause of rough running. Are yours OEM?
    Have you checked their resistance? Should be under about 15k
    ohms each. Tegger has listed some other checks you can do on
    the wires. He also discusses general rough running problems.
    The site is based on years of input and experience from this
    group and his own explorations. See

    You should also thoroughly purge the cooling system of air,
    per the manual's precise directions. The cooling system
    cools certain engine control components. Air in the system
    can mess up signals from sensors to the ECU, messing up the
    idle signal.

    Next, the manual directs that troubleshooting of the
    carburetor is appropriate, especially the idle settings.
    www.autozone.com has a complete manual for your 87 Civic.
    There are two sections that explain how to adjust the idle
    speed, in the tuneup section and the fuel system section
    (under "carburetor," fast idle etc.)

    Lastly, the problem may very well, and very simply, be the
    oxygen sensor. Bad O2 sensors definitely can cause rough
    running and crazy idling. I assume the mileage is a bit
    sucky, too, right?

    Has the O2 sensor ever been replaced on this car?

    Genuine Honda oxygen sensors may be had extremely cheaply
    (around $40 for your car) at
    https://www.automedicsupply.com/ . I used them 18 months ago
    for my 91 Fuel injected Civic. Good service. The sensor
    works great. You can borrow, no charge, an O2 sensor wrench
    from Autozone.

    I don't know how people missed your first posts. Keep
    checking back. I am not a caburetor kinda person, so I may
    be missing something re the idle settings and adjustment.

    Updates welcome, to help others in the future.
    Elle, Jan 11, 2006
  7. cmcski

    cmcski Guest

    I did use the NGK spark plugs, the cap and rotor are GP Sorenson. I did not
    change the plug wires. I will check them though.

    The O2 sensor may or may not have been changed I will pick up a new one
    since i do not know.

    I did not realize that the idle would increase by turning on the
    accessories. The guy I bought the car from never experienced this. The car
    did sit in his backyard for over a year though.

    Thanks for the web site. I will head on over to the zone and pick up a
    cmcski, Jan 11, 2006
  8. cmcski

    Elle Guest

    212k miles... if the O2 sensor is the original, this is a
    good investment.
    experienced this.

    IIRC from some discussion here recently about this
    (reinforced by some comments in the manual), for my fuel
    injected 91 Civic, the computer does this to assist the
    alternator, now under higher load from the electrical
    accessories. When I turn on the headlights or defroster,
    say, I see increases of only around 250 rpm, though. So on
    my 91 Civic, it's quite noticeable, but not as stunning as
    the revving you're seeing.
    Hopefully that will draw other comments. The net has sites
    that talk about how to maintain a car after it's been
    sitting that long. Might want to google.
    I hope you noticed the manual is /free/ online. :)
    Elle, Jan 11, 2006
  9. cmcski

    SoCalMike Guest

    does it still use a solenoid to boost the idle? could just need a little
    turning "down" with all the loads at work.
    SoCalMike, Jan 12, 2006
  10. cmcski

    cmcski Guest

    I will check to see if that is the case. I did not see one but there are
    alot of vacum hoses around the carb.
    cmcski, Jan 12, 2006
  11. cmcski

    Elle Guest

    For fuel injected engines, my manual mentions an "A/C [as in
    air conditioning] idle control solenoid valve." I don't see
    anything similar for carbureted engines.

    For the carbureted 87, by way of what to put one's hands on
    during the two idle adjusment procedures and when using the
    troubleshooting chart, my manual lists:
    (1) a "throttle stop screw" (there's a drawing of where this
    (2) a "fast idle adjusting screw" (also shows a drawing of
    where this is);
    (3) a "stuck air bypass valve" (troubleshooting section).
    (4) a "stuck open throttle valve" [So try cleaning the

    Again, I'm not a carburetor person. I'm just copying from
    the manual here, trying to learn more. I defer to your hands
    on and book experience, Mike, of course.
    Elle, Jan 12, 2006
  12. cmcski

    cmcski Guest

    I located two vacuum leaks on the back of the carb, put new hoses on and
    readjusted the idle screw. That seems to have fixed the problem. I still
    need to change the O2 sensor.

    I lubricated all the linkages and springs.

    Once I drive to work and then back home I will see if I need to tweak it

    I do appreciate the help and web sites.
    cmcski, Jan 13, 2006
  13. cmcski

    SoCalMike Guest

    i havent touched a carb in years. thank ghod for that! i just remember
    GM using a solenoid setup like that, tho id expect better from honda :)
    SoCalMike, Jan 13, 2006
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