87 CRX Air Conditioning Problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave Skipper, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Dave Skipper

    Dave Skipper Guest

    Hi All

    I was told that a fix of my air conditioner would require more money
    than what the car is worth - if I go to them (dealership). They want to
    replace everything at a cost of $2500 since the problem - an apparent
    hose blockage - is "difficult to diagnose" and after offering NO
    guarantee that the system will even work after repair.

    I'm thinking of taking the car for another opinion elsewhere. Any
    recommendations for an honest opinion coupled with reliable service? I
    live in central PA. Perhaps I can buy my own parts and have someone do
    the work?
    Dave Skipper, Aug 4, 2003
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