87 CRX HF questions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by agent smith, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    what will fit in this car.. in regards to an engine swap mainly. someone had
    posted a site a while back that had a detailed description of an 87 Si swap
    using HF parts and other stuff. the other things im interested in are:

    cold air intake system
    rims/low profile tires
    wet NOS system (eventually)

    im still learning how to repair this car, but while im waiting for
    assistance this weekend, i thought i would do some research. comments like
    'get an Si' or anything liek that, im not looking for. id like to turn this
    HF into my project car. also, where can i run my VIN # on the car and get
    some sort of specification i registered on honda's site and even though the
    email i got said i could find vehicle specifications, i found none :( thanks
    for the pointers.

    ps - any links to sites that have 87 CRX HF performance parts would be nice
    also. ty!

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 19, 2004
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