87 Prelude tranny problem

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Aussie, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Aussie

    Aussie Guest

    I've replace the throttle body on the prelude (2.0 Si 4WS) Made a lot of
    diff.it works and goes!!!! much better but now tranny shifting stuffed.(Very
    very late changes)Any ideas ?????? please.(timing is OK,tranny cable
    adjusted again)
    Aussie, Dec 21, 2005
  2. Aussie

    zonie Guest

    Sounds like you still need to adjust the trans throttle valve cable. Late
    shift usually means the cable is too tight. Good luck. Scott
    zonie, Dec 22, 2005
  3. Aussie

    Aussie Guest

    Tx Scott,well it turned out to be the WRONG bloody TB (apperently it was out
    of "imported wreck") and TPS was the culprit,so replaced it with the
    original one BUT this time i'd made sure i put the vacum hoses RIGHT way
    around :)..Its OK now,actually like new.Tx again mate.Steve

    ps.According to my tranny mechanic the cable SHOULD be very tight(which he
    did) it changes very nice'n smooth now.
    Aussie, Dec 22, 2005
  4. Two thoughts, one easy to check and the other not so easy:

    The tranny cable may be hanging up. With the engine off, the cable should
    maintain tension at the throttle body as you open and close the throttle. If
    it is hanging, graphite (I like Lock Ease, graphite in kerosene carrier)
    squirted inside the cable housing is the ticket.

    Anything that reduces engine performance will cause the throttle to be open
    farther than "normal" and make the tranny behave as though the cable is too
    tight... late shifts. If the response feels good now this probably isn't
    your problem, though.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 22, 2005
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