88 Accord ignition problem seemingly caused by ECU

Discussion in 'Accord' started by JoeBeets, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. JoeBeets

    JoeBeets Guest


    Just following up on the post below:

    Replacing the igniter/coil and the plug wires did not fix the problem,
    but swapping out the Emissions Control Unit (there is a tie-in to the
    ignition, so I'll assume it was an ignition problem) has eliminated
    the symptoms over two weeks of normal driving. This is encouraging
    because the last occurence of the problem, before the new ECU,
    happened after only 20 mins of driving. The real test will come on a
    long trip, but so far so good.

    "My engine feels like the ignition is rapidly cutting out and in after
    couple hours of driving. I lurch down the road with the tach
    wildly between 2000 and 2500, on a 1 second cycle, and can't get the
    to go faster even if I floor it.

    I can stop, open the hood for 5 min, restart and be good for another
    20 min.
    of driving. This has all the symptoms to me of a heat related failure
    of a
    solid state component, like the igniter module (although the radio
    condenser is also a candidate). I guess I'll just have to replace it
    see, unless anyone has any other ideas..."

    Thanks to all who replied...
    JoeBeets, Jan 26, 2004
  2. JoeBeets

    JoeBeets Guest

    Well that's not it either. Next in line to replace is the radio noise
    condenser. Luckily a few minutes with the engine shut off always
    clears the problem.
    JoeBeets, Jan 28, 2004
  3. ================


    You didn't mention whether your problem is weather related. Does it
    happen to be worse on cool, humid days? What temperature range are you
    having the problems in? Has it been seasonal (what country are you in?)


    'Curly Q. Links', Jan 28, 2004
  4. JoeBeets

    Misterbeets Guest

    I'm in Maryland. I was driving around earlier with a recording VOM
    monitoring the power to the coil, in case it was a flaky ignition switch,
    but the problem never happened, in 2 hours. (Happened every 15 minutes the
    day before yesterday though.)

    I'll keep at it. Thanks for the reply.
    Misterbeets, Jan 31, 2004
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