I have an overheating problem with my '88 Accord. It has 193k miles on it. On a hot day, when idling, the temperature gauge rises close to the 'H' mark, and when I park the car and shut it off, I can hear it boiling over under the hood. When idling, the A/C also isn't very cold. Whenever the car is moving, the A/C runs fine, and the temperature gauge remains in the middle. When it boils over, and I check the fluid level in the radiator after it has cooled, sometimes it's fine, and sometimes it's ~8 ounces low (which I top off when I see that). Sometimes it's so bad that, starting with a cold engine, with just 10-15 minutes of stop-and-go driving, it boils over when I park it. Both fans run when the A/C is on. I've had the following replaced: the fans, the radiator, radiator cap, thermostat, and water pump, but I still have the overheating problem. Is there something that could be causing excessive heat in the engine? Is there anything else in the cooling system I should check?