88 civic dx fails CA smog

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Brian G, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. Brian G

    Brian G Guest

    Two years ago my dx failed smog and I put a new oxygen sensor and cat on
    pass with acceptable levels. The quick fix got me through but my time
    has come again.

    These readings are from the dyno style smog check.

    Here is where she failed

    Co2 14.5
    O2 0.00
    HC 116
    CO 1.11
    NO 1000

    She passed here.
    Co2 14.9
    O2 0.00
    HC 63.0
    CO 0.25
    NO 438

    The car is due for an oil change with 3100 on the current oil. Timing
    is 18 degrees. The plugs and wires have a few miles on them and I am
    going to change them. What other culprits should I be looking at? Thank
    you for any help.

    -Brian G
    Brian G, Mar 5, 2006
  2. Brian G

    Elle Guest

    It appears your HC, CO, and NO rose from 25 mph to 15 mph. I
    am not sure which is the greatest concern, but for starters
    I'd be looking at replacing the PCV valve ($20 or so part;
    easy to replace on your car; can make a big difference);
    doing a complete tuenup (use only OEM ignition wires, plugs,
    distributor cap and rotor; put in a new air filter and fuel
    filter; check the timing); Then I'd assess the EGR system
    (assuming your Civic is carbureted; is it?).

    The above is taken from



    You go the particular compound emitted, then click or read
    on causes of why it is out of spec, etc. There are more
    fixes than the ones I list above.

    Updates welcome. This should be interesting (though sorry
    about your troubles).
    Elle, Mar 5, 2006
  3. Brian G

    jim beam Guest

    ok, but you need to post what the passing levels are as well.
    presumably it's failing NO and CO. high NO on its own means either
    combustion temp is too high or the cat is ineffective. if the latter,
    as it could easily be, especially since the 15mph test is done /before/
    the 25mph test, that the cat was not up to working temp. particularly
    as you also have high CO. did you leave the motor running while you
    were waiting to go up on the dyno? if the motor was off, the cat cooled
    down. the tech should not have accepted the vehicle as test ready if
    the cat was not up to working temp.

    if it was just NO, and if the vehicle's automatic [you don't say], check
    and clean the egr valve. also, replace the plugs, leads, distributor
    cap and rotor arm. pcv valve and decent quality oil helps too. also,
    check the timing with the ecu over-ride jumper in place. it takes
    ignition timing back to base to allow adjustments to be correct. making
    sure the valve lash is correct helps too. and coolant level.

    lastly, go to a test-only station. the "test & repair" places know all
    the tricks to have you spend money with them. dmv has a list online.
    jim beam, Mar 5, 2006
  4. Brian G

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Your CO2 is way too low. And all your other numbers are quite high. Either
    the cat wasn't warmed up sufficiently, or it's cheapo aftermarket junk that
    only lasts a couple of years.

    In addition, you could have a problem with clogged EGR passages.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 6, 2006
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