89 acura legend v6 running rough

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by theshipp, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. theshipp

    theshipp Guest

    My acura (115k miles) just started running rough. It was running smooth
    until about a month ago. Then it just started running rough. Now when i
    try to crank it up, it takes about 5 tries, each time it only runs
    about 1 second and then it dies. After I get it running, I can't even
    touch the gas pedal or it will stall. I have to wait about 5 minutes
    for it to warm up, even then, when i try to drive it off i can't give
    it too much gas or it will stall..it takes about 15 minutes for it to
    completly warm up. The exhaust isn't smoking or black, but it does
    smell like the oxygen/fuel isn't mixing together very well, I can't
    tell if it's lean or rich. I bought an O2 sensor, and i'm planning on
    replacing that..but i'm not sure exactly what the problem is. Anyone
    had a similar problem?
    theshipp, Nov 8, 2006
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