89 Prelude

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Claudio, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. Claudio

    Claudio Guest


    The compression on all cylinders are good, but I'm burning antifreeze.
    Does anybody know if their could be any other problem besides the head
    gasket? Does anybody have a service manual in PDF format???

    Claudio, Sep 23, 2005
  2. Claudio

    Elle Guest

    www.autozone.com has free repair guides. They appear to be identical to
    Chilton's. You put in your car's info and follow the links. It's not PDF
    format, so it is quicker.

    http://www.honda.co.uk/owner/workshopmanuals2.html also has a free online
    manual for the 89 Prelude. The instructions ultimately are in pdf format.
    Elle, Sep 23, 2005

  3. ------------------------

    How can you tell you're burning antifreeze? Is there any oil in the
    coolant yet? Any bubbles? Are we talking 400,000 Km?

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 23, 2005
  4. The good ol' shadetree test: with a cold engine, remove the radiator cap and
    pinch the overflow tubing closed. Start the engine and place the palm of
    your hand over the radiator opening. If you feel steadily rising pressure or
    (more ominous) pulsations against your palm the head has to come off to fix
    it... warped or cracked head or bad head gasket. Fortunately, if the car
    hasn't seriously overheated you would probably be looking at the gasket
    failing. The cracked head is the least common.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 24, 2005
  5. Claudio

    Eric Guest

    Here's one problem that many techs overlook. Quite often Honda designed
    coolant passages into the intake manifold to keep it warm. Sometimes these
    develop a pin hole leak into the intake runner such that it draws antifreeze
    into the combustion chamber. This symptom is difficult to diagnose as it
    tends to mimic a failing head gasket or head, i.e., there's abundant white
    acrid smoke in the exhaust but there's no coolant in the oil. Sometimes the
    leak into the intake runner is worse depending on engine temperature. In
    any case, you'll want to carefully check all of the intake runners to make
    sure that you don't see any white streaks of dried antifreeze running
    towards the cylinders. If you do find this indicator, then you'll need to
    replace that part of the intake manifold.

    Eric, Sep 25, 2005
  6. Interesting! Can the intake manifold gasket do the same, or is the passage
    apart from the gasket?

    Michael Pardee, Sep 25, 2005
  7. Eric, could you also address the new related thread "Coolant coming from oil
    bolt" please? The OP is in a bind and I think you can advise him which way
    to jump.


    Michael Pardee, Sep 25, 2005
  8. Claudio

    Eric Guest

    The Hondas I've worked on don't pass coolant through the intake manifold

    Eric, Sep 25, 2005
  9. Good to know. Thanks!

    Michael Pardee, Sep 25, 2005
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