90-91 L3 Trans

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jgrant, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. jgrant

    jgrant Guest

    Hello all,
    Have to replace the trans in my 90 civic dx. I have looked at a few used
    ones and have noticed they are all L3's. I was wondering what the #s
    following the L3 mean? I have one that's a 202, a 203 and a 137. Theres more
    #s after those as well.Do they mean they are different gear ratios? Or the
    obvious just a serial #. Thanks for the input!

    2002 Mean Streak
    1990 Honda Civic
    1989 Toyota 4x4 Sr5
    1980 El Camino
    Vancouver Island
    B.C Canada
    jgrant, Aug 27, 2005
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