90 Accord blower motor question

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Pete from Boston, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Pete from Boston

    Woody Guest

    All this time speculating on here and you could have it apart by now and
    determine what is bad. Everything here is pure speculation and won't fix a
    Woody, Mar 4, 2005
  2. Pete from Boston

    Woody Guest

    All this time speculating on here and you could have it apart by now and
    determine what is bad. Everything here is pure speculation and won't fix a
    Woody, Mar 4, 2005
  3. Pete from Boston

    masspete Guest

    This raises my next question. I have the blower retaining nuts all off,
    but there doesn't appears to be room to pull the flanges off all the
    bolts to unseat the blower and get it down. Is it possible to do this
    without removing more than the two far right dash screws? I can't
    really see what's holding it back. I could remove the evaporator
    (really don't want to), but that's not in the direction of movement I'm
    having a problem with.

    I've also removed the bottom cover, though that's mostly just given me
    a better handhold.

    Lots of people have said "just play with it a while." I've played with
    it a while. Maybe there's something specific someone has learned from
    getting it out?
    masspete, Mar 10, 2005
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