'90 Accord: No wiper fluid comes out

Discussion in 'Accord' started by josh, May 9, 2004.

  1. josh

    josh Guest

    Hi all,
    I have a '90 Accord LX. Today when I cut on the wipers, pulled the
    lever back, no wiper fluid, yet the wiper fluid container under the
    hood is half full. Any ideas what the problem is, and how much it
    costs in parts/labor?

    josh, May 9, 2004
  2. josh

    Woody Guest

    Is the pump motor running? Is there a hose disconnected or broken? Lift the
    hood and look at it. You may surprise yourself and figure it out.
    Woody, May 9, 2004
  3. josh

    Sir Lointip Guest

    Does your "intermittent" wiper setting work? If not, it could be a bad
    fuse. Both functions share the same fuse (which is under the hood). This
    happened to my '93 Accord, which should have the same fuse arrangement as
    your '90.

    Another thing to check, do you hear the sound of the washer pump when you
    try to spray?
    Sir Lointip, May 9, 2004
  4. josh

    ravelation Guest

    Sometimes, the outlets for the water stream become clogged with hard
    water deposits. Try using a straight pin to see if yours are clogged.
    ravelation, May 10, 2004
  5. josh

    yahmed Guest

    I had the same problem with my Accord 93. I opened the hood and
    realized that there is damage on the pipe. All the pressure gets lost
    in the pipe leaks. I replaced it with a new pipe and everything works
    yahmed, May 11, 2004
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