'90 Civic Axle Replacement Problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by WaterWatcher, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. WaterWatcher

    WaterWatcher Guest

    Hi everyone. I replaced the axles on my '90 Civic last summer due to torn
    boots. The passenger's side replacement was noisy, so I exchanged it for
    another. That one had a vibration while accelerating which I put up with
    until today. I swapped it under warranty and its replacement is slightly
    noisy. Sometimes while taking a right hand turn I get a scraping sound
    coming from it that continues for a ways after the corner. It's not the
    brakes because the sound continues if I apply the brakes. I'm getting real
    tired of replacing these things (but I am getting real good at it) and yes,
    I know, the brand I chose is not the best one. My question is, could I have
    done something wrong when installing it to cause this noise? Would over
    tourqueing the axle nut slightly cause this?

    Any help appreciated!

    WaterWatcher, Feb 19, 2005
  2. WaterWatcher

    John Ings Guest

    Check your wheel bearings.
    John Ings, Feb 20, 2005
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