90 civic electrical problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Rad17, May 4, 2004.

  1. Rad17

    Rad17 Guest

    (My son's car). Battery suddenly started going dead after just a few hours
    when car is parked. We figured it was the old battery so we bought a new
    one. New battery is doing the same thing. We can't find anything that is
    "on" when the car is parked.

    Any suggestions on what might be causing this? Obviously there's a power
    drain somewhere but we can't find anything causing this, or why it suddenly
    started doing this. Alternator is OK, and new battery is OK too (both
    tested at shop). Any advice appreciated! Thanks.....
    Rad17, May 4, 2004
  2. Rad17

    tomb Guest

    Rad17 wrote:
    || (My son's car). Battery suddenly started going dead after just a
    || few hours when car is parked. We figured it was the old battery so
    || we bought a new one. New battery is doing the same thing. We can't
    || find anything that is "on" when the car is parked.
    || Any suggestions on what might be causing this? Obviously there's a
    || power drain somewhere but we can't find anything causing this, or
    || why it suddenly started doing this. Alternator is OK, and new
    || battery is OK too (both tested at shop). Any advice appreciated!
    || Thanks.....

    If you have an ampere meter, unplug all fuses in the fuse box(es, I'd
    start with the one under the dash first). One after the other, measure
    the current flowing across the sockets for every fuse.

    If you don't have an ampere meter, you can do the same with a 12V bulb
    hooked up to two wires. Same procedure; pull all fuses, and use the
    bulb's two contacts to bridge each fuse one-by-one.

    That should give you at least an indication of which circuit is the one
    that's carrying the current.
    tomb, May 4, 2004
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