'90 Civic Hub Whine

Discussion in 'Civic' started by WaterWatcher, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. WaterWatcher

    WaterWatcher Guest

    Just replaced my drive axles to eliminate a vibration with one of them.
    Now, the vibration is gone but the right one makes a whine where it meets
    the hub. The whine only happens at very low speeds such as just before
    stopping. I can rock the car back and forth by hand and hear it. Could it
    be the wheel bearing? I think wheel bearings tend to rumble or roar at
    higher speeds. Could there be a burr or something on the end of the shaft
    rubbing on the hub? Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be?

    WaterWatcher, Feb 25, 2005
  2. Not what you want to hear, I'm sure....

    My guess is the bearings. But the sad part is that whatever the cause the
    repair will almost certainly require taking the hub part apart again
    (grr!!). Is it possible you got an ABS shaft (with the cogged area for the
    ABS pickup) on a non-ABS vehicle?

    Michael Pardee, Feb 25, 2005
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