90 civic spark plug wire

Discussion in 'Civic' started by L. Ayende, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. L. Ayende

    L. Ayende Guest

    Looking for help into why one spark plug wire on my 90 hatchback keeps
    getting push off the plug thereby causing the cylinder to miss. Already
    replaced the wires and checked the torque on the plug. Maybe someone has a
    clue cause I'm at wit's end. This problem started recently. The car has
    125k miles is a 4 speed and other than this runs great, but this has become
    a pain in the butt because I have to pull over and push the plug wire back
    in. I even tried a hose clamp and it still comes off. Thanks in advance
    L. Ayende, Sep 10, 2005
  2. ==========================

    PRESSURE is forcing off the plug wire, so replace the plug(s) and torque
    it correctly, or replace the seals inside the spark plug tube, or
    replace your PCV. You might start with the plugs, then PCV, since it
    often gets neglected, and can screw up your GAS MILEAGE $$$$$$$$$

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 10, 2005
  3. L. Ayende

    jim beam Guest

    sounds like you have a crossed thread - "torque" will not detect that.
    reinsert the plug so it seals and everything will be fine.
    jim beam, Sep 10, 2005
  4. L. Ayende

    Eric Guest

    Yet another possibility...

    The plug wires have an air vent built into them to allow for the air to
    expand and contract inside the small chamber where the plug connects to the
    wire. It could be the case that this air vent is plugged up. Thus, when
    the air warms up, it pops the plug wire off the plug. Note that I would
    check the spark plug seal first and if that checks out ok, check the air

    Eric, Sep 10, 2005
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