90 Honda Civic Hatchback won't start

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Mike, May 30, 2004.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I am looking for help from a Honda guru. I am beyond my own
    expertise. A couple of months ago I bought a Civic at a charity
    auction in hopes of fixing it up and using it as a work car. I had to
    replace the motor. After several weeks of part time work with only
    minor problems I had it running. The only thing that I could not
    figure out is the check engine light comes on only after getting it up
    to highway speed. It did not seem to effect the performance as far as
    I could tell. After a couple of weeks of driving the car I noticed a
    hesitation while cruising at highway speed. It started happening a
    little more frequently. Then once it would not start. When you tried
    to start it it would turn over for a second or two like it was going
    to start and then would just die. After several attempts it finally
    started. I noticed a few episodes of hesitation after this. Then one
    day on my way home it started hesitating badly. I had to make a stop
    on my way. When I got back in the car I had another episode of not
    starting. After I finally got it started I headed for home and only
    got a quarter of a mile when it hesitated and died for good.
    So far I tested and replaced the main relay, removed the fuel pump
    and tested it. I used leads from a battery and it seemed to run fine.
    I then hooked it to the car wiring for the fuel pump via the leads and
    had a friend put the car key in the "on" position and got no response
    from the fuel pump. He then tried to start the car and still no
    response. I have done all I can think of. Any help or ideas you can
    provide will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for your help.
    Mike, May 30, 2004
  2. Mike

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Did you check for a rusty ground connection on the fuel pump's wiring?
    Plugged fuel filter won't produce no-start, but will prevent top speed,
    with sputtering.

    motsco_ _, May 30, 2004
  3. Mike

    jim beam Guest

    is it reliably full of coolant and doesn't leak? looking at the
    expansion bottle is not a reliable indicator - wait for it to cool then
    look under the radiator cap.

    my old 89 had similar problems - turned out that there was a small leak
    in the radiator. coolant would leak just enough that the temperature
    sensor [the one for the ecu, not the gauge] was not getting a fully warm
    signal and so the ecu was running the car on "rich". lousy
    acceleration. lousy mileage. a hot engine has a hard time starting on
    a rich mix too. explains the check engine signal as well.
    jim beam, May 30, 2004
  4. Mike

    Mike Guest

    OOPS!!! My Mistake. I left a plug off which caused the fuel pump to
    not respond to cranking. Turns out that the fuel system checks out and
    seems to work. Still having the same symptoms. The turns over while
    cranking (start position). Once you return to the "on" position it
    stops firing and dies. Any other ideas???
    Mike, Jun 3, 2004
  5. Mike

    Sean Dinh Guest

    Bad ignition switch.
    Sean Dinh, Jun 3, 2004
  6. Mike

    John Ings Guest

    In the start position there's a second voltage source to the fuel pump
    that goes away as soon as the key is returned to the run position.
    Check for a loose fuse in the ignition circuits or a bad ignition
    switch. The main relay is also a candidate but you said you checked

    Also there are usually 3 ground wires from the ECU that are grounded
    at the engine near the thermostat housing. One of those is involved
    with the main relay's fuel pump coil. Make sure that's on tight.
    John Ings, Jun 3, 2004
  7. Mike

    Raab Himself Guest

    I had a 91 Civic that would occasionally fail to start after I'd driven it
    somewhere then turned off the car for a brief time, for instance, to run
    into the post office or grocery store. It would refuse to start and then in
    a few minutes it would suddenly start just fine. At first I would call AAA
    to get help, then have to cancel the help request when my car would start,
    but after a while I knew just to wait.

    After asking around and doing research, the solution for me was to put in a
    new fuel pump relay. I brought the car to my mechanic and made the request.
    He was skeptical but did as I asked. After that I never had the startup
    problem again.

    So, my advice (since I had a very similar problem to yours, in a Civic
    nearly as old) is to get a new fuel pump relay.
    Raab Himself, Jun 3, 2004
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