90 Integra stalls

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mat, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. Mat

    Mat Guest

    After about 15 mins car stalls and will not start for several hours,
    Cranks good no spark. I think its either the ignitor or coil. Coil
    resistance tests ok. Should I take a chance on this cheap ignitor?


    They are over $200 at the dealer.

    May also try resoldering the contacts.
    Mat, Aug 20, 2010
  2. Mat

    Tegger Guest

    When you crank and the engine will not start, does the tach needle jiggle
    even the tiniest amount, or is dead-still?
    Tegger, Aug 20, 2010
  3. Mat

    Mat Guest

    iirc, dead still not 100% sure tho, will check next time
    Mat, Aug 20, 2010
  4. Mat

    Tegger Guest

    If the tach needle is dead-still, then the igniter is bad. If it jiggles
    even the tiniest bit, then the problem is the coil or something else.

    Any codes in the ECU?
    Tegger, Aug 20, 2010
  5. Mat

    jim beam Guest

    sorry dude, but the tach needle doesn't move on either my civic or my
    crx - so i don't think that's a great measure of whether it's working.
    the best measure of whether the igniter unit is working is to take the
    thing out and test it per


    while the manual says it can be tested in vehicle, i've not found this
    to be so reliable since some igniters fail in a way where it still gives
    output - but on the wrong signal.
    jim beam, Aug 21, 2010
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