91 Accord Cooling Fan Runs Slow?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Todd K., Jul 31, 2005.

  1. Todd K.

    Todd K. Guest

    I think my radiator cooling cooling fan (passengers side) is running
    way slow. The condenser fan (drivers side) seems to be really cranking
    out the air.

    Are these two fans supposed to run at about the same speed/airflow?

    What other year Accords use the same fan? (so I can junk yard it)

    Todd K.
    Todd K., Jul 31, 2005
  2. Todd K.

    SoCalMike Guest

    should. id jumper the fan directly to the battery and see if it speeds
    up. if it does, youve got flaky wiring or connections somewhere.
    likely any 90-94 with air conditioning.
    SoCalMike, Jul 31, 2005
  3. Todd K.

    Professor Guest

    Both fans should run about the same speed. Check the ground on the slow

    Professor, Aug 1, 2005
  4. Todd K.

    Todd K. Guest

    Thanks for the tips. Its working now. Here's what I did:

    Ran the diags from the service manual. While doing so, I noticed that
    the fan would only run if I gave it a little spin. It still ran slow
    though. So OK, bad motor. I took it out to try and rebuild the motor
    (I did this succesfully on older Honda). Before I was to take the
    motor apart, I hooked it up straight to battery just to make sure. It
    ran great. Hooked it back up to connector. Ran the diags again.
    Everything worked fine. I guess the jiggling to remove the fan freed
    up some hung up brushes. I had a similar problem on the alternator
    last fall. I removed a couple screws, jiggled the brush holder and
    alternator has been fine since. A EE friend of mine says this is
    common with small motors as the brushes wear down. They hang up and
    the spring can't seat them properly on the commutator. A little jiggle
    frees them up and they may run trouble free for a long time after that.

    Todd K.
    Todd K., Aug 1, 2005
  5. Do you happen to know where you can get replacement brushes for those
    little fan motors? I just replaced a motor and when I cracked it open
    the only thing wrong with it was the brushes were worn down so that
    they could no longer make contact with the commutator.
    Frank Boettcher, Aug 1, 2005
  6. Todd K.

    Todd K. Guest

    I got mine at ACE hardware in those specialty hardware boxes.

    Todd K.
    Todd K., Aug 1, 2005
  7. Thanks, I'll give them a try
    Frank Boettcher, Aug 1, 2005
  8. Todd K.

    SoCalMike Guest

    lowes, home depot, and NAPA also have specialty hardware boxes, in case
    ACE doesnt pan out.
    SoCalMike, Aug 2, 2005
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