I have a very unique problem at hand. My 91 accord starts well, the engine works nicely and i just replaced spark plug wires, radiator, alternator, and air filter. I drove her up and down a mountain a lot this winter, and she sat in the cold wind of a mountain for 2 months solid, with only a little driving. Ok heres the issue: I start up and everything works nicely untill ive been driving for 5-10 minutes. by this point I notice the temp gauge is all the way up, even though im not overheating. prob a shitty Thermostat, maybe b/c i got a new radiator?( i bled the lines when i replaced the radiator). But this problem isnt as dangerous as my other. When i stop, the engine revs to 3,000 rpms. Not only does it rev, but my car wants to take off into the car in front of me. So i have to use the e-brake so this doesnt happen. Ive had this revving problem for a while now, but it never did it at traffic lights, before it only happened when I put it in park. My auto savy friend checked for vacuum leakes, and there was nothing. theres one more symptom. Im driving and ill accellerate, which works nicely. But once i take my foot off the gas, my car catches, like its downshifting, but its not. It just jerks itself slower somehow. Wen i press on the gas again, it takes a second, catches very roughly, jerks me foreward. and then it works fine and smooth. It didnt do any of this before the winter, so im scared the cold warped something deep inside. But nontheless I am baffled, any advice would help me a ton, and i could finally sell this relic. Thanks alot.