91 Civic cooling system pressure

Discussion in 'Civic' started by chuck, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. chuck

    chuck Guest

    My 91 Civic presurrizes the cooling system upon startup. The overflow
    tank is also under pressure and there is a slight leak under the cap.
    There was also a spare cap under the hood when I bought the thing not
    long ago. Is this pressure normal or is the head gasket going? There is
    no oil in coolant, no coolant in the oil, and it doesn't smoke. It runs
    good and doesn't overheat. But if you start it with the cap off it
    sprays coolant. Should the overflow tank be vented? I only see one hose.
    THanks in advance.
    chuck, Oct 19, 2005
  2. chuck

    E Meyer Guest

    Look carefully at the tank itself, there should be some sort of overflow
    tube built into it. I've never encountered a Honda with a pressurized
    overflow tank. My guess is that your radiator cap is bad and the overflow
    hole on the overflow bottle is plugged.
    E Meyer, Oct 19, 2005
  3. chuck

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Something is seriously wrong here. Are you saying the expansion tank has a
    pressure cap on it?

    On your car there should be an 0.9-bar cap (13lb) on the radiator. This cap
    should allow pressure to bleed off into a tube in the rad filler nack that
    goes to a non-pressurized expansion tank.

    Is the rad cap aftermarket or OEM?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 19, 2005
  4. chuck

    chuck Guest

    I see no overflow tube. I pulled the tank off (it just slides into a
    groove built on the motor mount) and there's no vent tube. The cap to
    the overflow tank screws onto the tank and I can see no sign of
    tampering. I'll get a raditator cap and see what happens. BTW, the cap
    that's leaking is the radiator cap. Sorry I wasn't clear about that.
    chuck, Oct 19, 2005
  5. chuck

    chuck Guest

    Well, it has a screw on type cap with the single hose from the radiator
    attached to it.
    The cap is a 13 lb. I can't see how the expansion tank can be
    non-pressurized though. There's only the single hose going to it, and it
    screws onto the expansion tank unlike most snap on type ones that I'm
    accustomed to seeing. I see no apparent way for the tank to vent. The
    expansion tank is original...it slides right onto the motor mount
    bracket. Nevermind about the expansion tank...I found a hole drilled
    into a flat spot of the threads.
    It's an aftermarket. Does this *really* matter? I'm thinking about a
    thermostat, but it doesn't overheat and it does warm up as it should.

    What I'm thinking of doing is screwing my compression testing onto each
    cylinder and attaching to the air compressor and looking for bubbles in
    the coolant. I guess that would tell me if it is a head gasket.
    chuck, Oct 19, 2005
  6. chuck

    TeGGeR® Guest

    That's normal.

    The tank /has/ to vent. As your coolant heats up, it expands. As it expands
    it pushes into the reservoir, so the reservoir level will rise. When you
    shut down and the car cools off, the reservoir level will go back down
    again as coolant is sucked back into the rad.

    Yes. If the cap is the wrong design for the car, or is defective, this will
    affect cooling system operation. Change it just in case. It's cheap enough.

    If it doesn't overheat, then the thermostat is fine.

    Sure would. But if you're not losing coolant, then your head gasket is
    certainly fine.

    Other than your report of "spraying", it doesn't sound as if there's
    anything wrong with your car.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 20, 2005
  7. chuck

    Chuck Guest

    I'm curious what effect a thermostat with the air bleed valve pointed
    downward would have on a system.

    This car also has hot/warm intermittant start issues and I'm wondering
    if these could be related to air (that I can't seem to get rid of)
    hitting the ECU temp semsor.

    It doesn't lose coolant and doesn't pressurize the expansion tank when
    running, but when cranking the engine and only when cranking the
    warm/hot engine, I hear air escaping from the vent hole in expansion
    tank. THe thing runs great except for the intermittant start issues.

    BTW, I've already resoldered the main relay and can hear the fuel pump
    at 'key on'.

    The next no start I guess I need to check for spark.

    I do get an Oxygen sensor code. From what I've read this wouldn't keep
    it from starting...would it?
    escaping from the vent in the
    Chuck, Oct 30, 2005
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