91 Civic Lower at Dr. Side Front...

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Elle, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. Elle

    Elle Guest

    Re having old suspension control arm bushings pressed out
    and replaced:
    Sounds good. I'll start making gentle inquiries.
    Elle, Apr 9, 2006
  2. Elle

    Elle Guest

    Would this 12-ton shop press be sufficient for removing old
    control arm bushings and pressing new ones in place?
    (Assuming I study like mad and secure everything properly.)


    (Describes a Central Hydraulics A-frame shop press.)

    I was at the salvage yard today, where some second hand
    front lower control arms with pretty good looking bushings
    went for $40 each. Hm. Then I started thinking about having
    a shop do them, and what a hassle that is, since I'll have
    to bike back and forth between the shop to get my Civic's
    control arm bushings replaced. And I sure would like to go
    at the rear arm bushings sometime...

    At Harbor Freight today, picking up my $7 special coil
    spring compressor, I noticed the shop presses and though,
    'Ya know, for $100, if I could do this all myself... "

    I'm googling and it seems a press this size will work. Just
    want more exacting experience at this point on this
    particular size of press when used for bushings.
    Elle, Apr 12, 2006
  3. Elle

    Elle Guest

    Would this 12-ton shop press be sufficient for removing old
    control arm bushings and pressing new ones in place?
    (Assuming I study like mad and secure everything properly.)


    (Describes a Central Hydraulics A-frame shop press.)

    I was at the salvage yard today, where some second hand
    front lower control arms with pretty good looking bushings
    went for $40 each. Hm. Then I started thinking about having
    a shop do them, and what a hassle that is, since I'll have
    to bike back and forth between the shop to get my Civic's
    control arm bushings replaced. And I sure would like to go
    at the rear arm bushings sometime...

    At Harbor Freight today, picking up my $7 special coil
    spring compressor, I noticed the shop presses and though,
    'Ya know, for $100, if I could do this all myself... "

    I'm googling and it seems a press this size will work. Just
    want more exacting experience at this point on this
    particular size of press when used for bushings.
    Elle, Apr 12, 2006
  4. I would think the press would have plenty of muscle. The trick, I
    think, would be accumulating all of the bushings and spacers and
    chucks and stuff to fit the various applications. But if you did that
    one piece at a time, the cost would probably still be less than having
    it done at a shop I may order one too, since I will soon need to
    press off and on new rear axle bearings for my Chevrolet van.

    Elliot Richmond
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Apr 12, 2006
  5. Elle

    John Horner Guest

    If you do much mechanical work you will quickly wonder how you got by
    without a press. I have a slightly larger Harbor Freight press and have
    used it for all sorts of things, including driving bushings.

    My bench vise really appreciates no longer being tortured into
    attempting these jobs as well!

    John Horner, Apr 13, 2006
  6. Elle

    John Horner Guest

    If you do much mechanical work you will quickly wonder how you got by
    without a press. I have a slightly larger Harbor Freight press and have
    used it for all sorts of things, including driving bushings.

    My bench vise really appreciates no longer being tortured into
    attempting these jobs as well!

    John Horner, Apr 13, 2006
  7. Elle

    SoCalMike Guest

    20 tons, $80? sounds like itd work just fine.
    SoCalMike, Apr 13, 2006
  8. Elle

    SoCalMike Guest

    20 tons, $80? sounds like itd work just fine.
    SoCalMike, Apr 13, 2006
  9. Elle

    Elle Guest

    12 tons. Plus I have a coupon for 10% off May 1-8 that might
    apply, too. :)

    Thanks for the input. Hopefully within a year I'll
    photo-document (love that digital camera) the effort. I
    think I'm going to switch the front suspension's springs in
    the next few days and take measurements. I don't expect a
    change; J. Beam has some long posts on the longevity of the
    springs in general (from much of his own work on them) and,
    with my experience with the rears, I doubt the springs are
    messed up. Eric's theory on the bushings is the one towards
    which I lean right now.

    I've also been studying Tegger's site on ball joint
    separating tools and seeing what's available out there. Ebay
    doesn't promise much. I am leaning towards the second-third
    tools Tegger, with input from others, lists. I found one of
    these for around $20 on the net. Or I'll check out
    Autozone's rental.

    A friend of mine has a 99 Civic on which I took measurements
    yesterday. It too is lower on the driver's side, but the
    difference is closer to a half-inch. She's only driven the
    car out West, very little snow area.
    Elle, Apr 13, 2006
  10. Elle

    Elle Guest

    12 tons. Plus I have a coupon for 10% off May 1-8 that might
    apply, too. :)

    Thanks for the input. Hopefully within a year I'll
    photo-document (love that digital camera) the effort. I
    think I'm going to switch the front suspension's springs in
    the next few days and take measurements. I don't expect a
    change; J. Beam has some long posts on the longevity of the
    springs in general (from much of his own work on them) and,
    with my experience with the rears, I doubt the springs are
    messed up. Eric's theory on the bushings is the one towards
    which I lean right now.

    I've also been studying Tegger's site on ball joint
    separating tools and seeing what's available out there. Ebay
    doesn't promise much. I am leaning towards the second-third
    tools Tegger, with input from others, lists. I found one of
    these for around $20 on the net. Or I'll check out
    Autozone's rental.

    A friend of mine has a 99 Civic on which I took measurements
    yesterday. It too is lower on the driver's side, but the
    difference is closer to a half-inch. She's only driven the
    car out West, very little snow area.
    Elle, Apr 13, 2006
  11. Elle

    Elle Guest

    As of yesterday, I successfully, though laboriously,
    replaced all the front lower control arm bushings. I had
    previously replaced the front suspension's coil springs.
    About a 3/8-inch to 1/2-inch height difference still exists
    between driver's side and passenger's side, using my crude
    measurement techniques. The car does seem to handle better.
    It seems to take road bumps with smoother bounces rather
    than some clunkiness prior to the new bushings.

    For the front passenger side lower control arm bushing outer
    sleeves ( = second side I did), the new air hammer-chisel I
    purchased wasn't enough. Nor were the new diamond cutting
    wheels used on the air die grinder. Instead, I mostly hand
    sawed and hand chiseled about one-third of each bushing
    outer sleeve, constantly applying PB Blaster. The PB Blaster
    was being sucked into the crevices between sleeve and arm; I
    think it helped. Had I more time, I would have let the PB
    Blaster sit over night. Hammering against a well-fitting
    socket (with outside diameter almost exactly that of the
    outer sleeve) seemed to finally shake the remains loose. All
    together it took hours to remove the two old, bushing outer
    sleeves. I think the smaller one was the tougher one,
    perhaps because its small size means it has less
    "springiness" to it.

    I beat up the smaller control arm bushing hole pretty badly
    from my efforts. I filed a bit and cleaned both control arm
    holes with emery paper.

    I heated the control arm for an hour in an oven set to 200
    degrees F. I also froze (overnight) the new bushings. I
    started the larger bushing by manually hammering against a
    well-fitted socket, making sure the bushing was going in
    straight. Then I used the socket-bolt-nut-washer method to
    press it in. This worked well. While it did not just "slide
    in," progress was steady,
    noticeable, controlled, and much less labor intensive than
    whacking repeatedly with a hammer. I do think the heating
    and freezing helped. The larger new bushing was installed
    within an hour or so.

    By the time I finished installing the larger new bushing,
    the control arm was about at ambient outdoor temperature
    again. For the smaller bushing, I did try heating the arm
    again but hesitated to leave it in the oven for too long
    with the new, larger bushing already installed. I do not
    think 200 degrees F is enough to destroy the bushing, but I
    was a bit worried about degrading the rubber somewhat.

    I was on schedule for finishing the one control arm within a
    day (12 hours). But then installing the new, smaller bushing
    became a problem. I think the control arm hole just had too
    many nicks and burrs in it. I could not get the new, smaller
    bushing to line up straight for quite awhile. Eventually I
    got it started. I used the socket-bolt-nut-washer set up,
    and saw some progress. But pressing it in was taking more
    force than usual, perhaps because of the aforementioned
    nicks and burrs. I was using a roughly five-foot pipe
    extension throughout. After getting the bushing in about
    one-third of the way, I had stripped the 3/8-inch, fine
    thread, Grade 8 bolt/nut.

    About the force required to push a bushing into place --
    Not having access to a hardware store at 7 PM at night, I
    gave up on the socket-bolt-nut-washer method for the
    evening. I did try (1) a vise (which seemed to be working
    but also seemed to be breaking the vise); (2) a C-clamp
    (same); (3) rigging my car, with a jackstand for backup
    protection, to apply about a quarter of its weight (about
    0.4 ton) to the bushing. This weight did not budge the

    In the Usenet archives I read about a guy who used the
    weight of the "back end" of a Cadillac to press in a control
    arm bushing. I googled for Cadillac weights and estimate the
    typical Cadillac weighs a bit over twice as much as my Civic
    (3.6 tons vs. my Civic's 1.6 tons), so this guy applied
    maybe 1.8 tons or more. The guy wrote the Cadillac nearly
    lifted up before the bushing started moving.

    The 3/8-inch bolt never yielded in tension (that is, pulled
    apart). This suggests the force the socket-bolt-nut-washer
    setup applied to the bushing was probably less than 7 tons,
    by my calculations using various, basic bolt formulae and
    theory. The bolt/nut threads are not supposed to strip until
    about 9 tons are applied. I figure I had tilted the nut
    somewhat when tightening, causing the stripping to occur.
    The washers and other doughnut shaped items beneath it were
    in fact yielding (= bending) somewhat,
    = causing things to get a little uneven. (The sockets by
    contrast held up well.) So with the nut under load and
    tilted relative to the bolt axis, at high enough loads, the
    threads would strip.

    The next morning I went to the hardware store and bought two
    more 3/8-inch, fine thread, Grade 8 bolts. The second
    attempt with a 3/8-inch bolt advanced the bushing further,
    about 3/4 way altogether. Then this bolt and nut stripped. I
    finally got the bushing fully into place with the last
    3/8-inch bolt.

    I think if I had taken more care to keep the
    socket-bolt-nut-washer setup straight, the two bolts might
    not have stripped. New and tougher washers, or bolts of
    easier lengths with which to work with the sockets I had,
    might have prevented stripping.

    To me the lessons here are
    (1) For a younger car driven in a non-corrosive
    environment, either a 12-ton shop press or the
    socket-bolt-nut-washer method might very well work to remove
    old bushings. This is not necessarily so for an older car
    driven in a corrosive environment such as the Midwest or
    Northern U.S.

    (2) A 12-ton shop press would likely successfully and easily
    install new bushings. I do not think a two-ton press would
    always be enough, based on my experience and calculations
    and reading about others trying two-ton

    (3) Even if one goes with the shop press, one will have to
    buy the sockets or other bushing press accessories.

    (4) Based on my calculations of the tons of force required,
    I have doubts about the wisdom of using any hammer to beat
    bushings into an older control arm already scuffed up from
    bushing removal. One has to possess a great deal of upper
    body strength and a lot of endurance, not be susceptible to
    heart attacks(!), etc. OTOH a newer control arm not beat up
    by the bushing removal effort might be a piece of cake.

    In other words, perhaps if my 91 Civic were only around
    seven years old (vs. 15) and had not been driven in a
    corrosive environment for most of its life I would not have
    had so much difficulty removing the old bushings.

    If I had to do this over for an older, rusty bushing
    sleeved-car, I would strongly consider buying used control
    arms with not more than a 100k miles on them from a nice low
    humidity, non-corrosive climate etc. part of the country.
    I'd replace the bushings in these arms at a casual pace.
    Remember that the old bushings in the bent junkyard control
    arm (the one I used to work out a methodology) came out much
    more easily. I think an air chisel would have had those out
    pronto. My hammer and old screwdriver worked fine.

    Buying spare control arms would keep my car available. Then
    I'd just swap the arms.

    Buying new arms with bushings already installed IIRC is also
    an option. The rear arms for a 91 Civic are less expensive
    than the front ones. Considering all the trouble to which I
    will go to cut rear control arm bolts out, I think I might
    go this direction for at least one of the rear control arms.
    The other rear control arm is already a junkyard one whose
    bushings may press out easily. From previous work on it a
    few years ago, I think the arm's bolts will come free pretty
    Elle, May 28, 2006
  12. Elle

    Elle Guest

    As of yesterday, I successfully, though laboriously,
    replaced all the front lower control arm bushings. I had
    previously replaced the front suspension's coil springs.
    About a 3/8-inch to 1/2-inch height difference still exists
    between driver's side and passenger's side, using my crude
    measurement techniques. The car does seem to handle better.
    It seems to take road bumps with smoother bounces rather
    than some clunkiness prior to the new bushings.

    For the front passenger side lower control arm bushing outer
    sleeves ( = second side I did), the new air hammer-chisel I
    purchased wasn't enough. Nor were the new diamond cutting
    wheels used on the air die grinder. Instead, I mostly hand
    sawed and hand chiseled about one-third of each bushing
    outer sleeve, constantly applying PB Blaster. The PB Blaster
    was being sucked into the crevices between sleeve and arm; I
    think it helped. Had I more time, I would have let the PB
    Blaster sit over night. Hammering against a well-fitting
    socket (with outside diameter almost exactly that of the
    outer sleeve) seemed to finally shake the remains loose. All
    together it took hours to remove the two old, bushing outer
    sleeves. I think the smaller one was the tougher one,
    perhaps because its small size means it has less
    "springiness" to it.

    I beat up the smaller control arm bushing hole pretty badly
    from my efforts. I filed a bit and cleaned both control arm
    holes with emery paper.

    I heated the control arm for an hour in an oven set to 200
    degrees F. I also froze (overnight) the new bushings. I
    started the larger bushing by manually hammering against a
    well-fitted socket, making sure the bushing was going in
    straight. Then I used the socket-bolt-nut-washer method to
    press it in. This worked well. While it did not just "slide
    in," progress was steady,
    noticeable, controlled, and much less labor intensive than
    whacking repeatedly with a hammer. I do think the heating
    and freezing helped. The larger new bushing was installed
    within an hour or so.

    By the time I finished installing the larger new bushing,
    the control arm was about at ambient outdoor temperature
    again. For the smaller bushing, I did try heating the arm
    again but hesitated to leave it in the oven for too long
    with the new, larger bushing already installed. I do not
    think 200 degrees F is enough to destroy the bushing, but I
    was a bit worried about degrading the rubber somewhat.

    I was on schedule for finishing the one control arm within a
    day (12 hours). But then installing the new, smaller bushing
    became a problem. I think the control arm hole just had too
    many nicks and burrs in it. I could not get the new, smaller
    bushing to line up straight for quite awhile. Eventually I
    got it started. I used the socket-bolt-nut-washer set up,
    and saw some progress. But pressing it in was taking more
    force than usual, perhaps because of the aforementioned
    nicks and burrs. I was using a roughly five-foot pipe
    extension throughout. After getting the bushing in about
    one-third of the way, I had stripped the 3/8-inch, fine
    thread, Grade 8 bolt/nut.

    About the force required to push a bushing into place --
    Not having access to a hardware store at 7 PM at night, I
    gave up on the socket-bolt-nut-washer method for the
    evening. I did try (1) a vise (which seemed to be working
    but also seemed to be breaking the vise); (2) a C-clamp
    (same); (3) rigging my car, with a jackstand for backup
    protection, to apply about a quarter of its weight (about
    0.4 ton) to the bushing. This weight did not budge the

    In the Usenet archives I read about a guy who used the
    weight of the "back end" of a Cadillac to press in a control
    arm bushing. I googled for Cadillac weights and estimate the
    typical Cadillac weighs a bit over twice as much as my Civic
    (3.6 tons vs. my Civic's 1.6 tons), so this guy applied
    maybe 1.8 tons or more. The guy wrote the Cadillac nearly
    lifted up before the bushing started moving.

    The 3/8-inch bolt never yielded in tension (that is, pulled
    apart). This suggests the force the socket-bolt-nut-washer
    setup applied to the bushing was probably less than 7 tons,
    by my calculations using various, basic bolt formulae and
    theory. The bolt/nut threads are not supposed to strip until
    about 9 tons are applied. I figure I had tilted the nut
    somewhat when tightening, causing the stripping to occur.
    The washers and other doughnut shaped items beneath it were
    in fact yielding (= bending) somewhat,
    = causing things to get a little uneven. (The sockets by
    contrast held up well.) So with the nut under load and
    tilted relative to the bolt axis, at high enough loads, the
    threads would strip.

    The next morning I went to the hardware store and bought two
    more 3/8-inch, fine thread, Grade 8 bolts. The second
    attempt with a 3/8-inch bolt advanced the bushing further,
    about 3/4 way altogether. Then this bolt and nut stripped. I
    finally got the bushing fully into place with the last
    3/8-inch bolt.

    I think if I had taken more care to keep the
    socket-bolt-nut-washer setup straight, the two bolts might
    not have stripped. New and tougher washers, or bolts of
    easier lengths with which to work with the sockets I had,
    might have prevented stripping.

    To me the lessons here are
    (1) For a younger car driven in a non-corrosive
    environment, either a 12-ton shop press or the
    socket-bolt-nut-washer method might very well work to remove
    old bushings. This is not necessarily so for an older car
    driven in a corrosive environment such as the Midwest or
    Northern U.S.

    (2) A 12-ton shop press would likely successfully and easily
    install new bushings. I do not think a two-ton press would
    always be enough, based on my experience and calculations
    and reading about others trying two-ton

    (3) Even if one goes with the shop press, one will have to
    buy the sockets or other bushing press accessories.

    (4) Based on my calculations of the tons of force required,
    I have doubts about the wisdom of using any hammer to beat
    bushings into an older control arm already scuffed up from
    bushing removal. One has to possess a great deal of upper
    body strength and a lot of endurance, not be susceptible to
    heart attacks(!), etc. OTOH a newer control arm not beat up
    by the bushing removal effort might be a piece of cake.

    In other words, perhaps if my 91 Civic were only around
    seven years old (vs. 15) and had not been driven in a
    corrosive environment for most of its life I would not have
    had so much difficulty removing the old bushings.

    If I had to do this over for an older, rusty bushing
    sleeved-car, I would strongly consider buying used control
    arms with not more than a 100k miles on them from a nice low
    humidity, non-corrosive climate etc. part of the country.
    I'd replace the bushings in these arms at a casual pace.
    Remember that the old bushings in the bent junkyard control
    arm (the one I used to work out a methodology) came out much
    more easily. I think an air chisel would have had those out
    pronto. My hammer and old screwdriver worked fine.

    Buying spare control arms would keep my car available. Then
    I'd just swap the arms.

    Buying new arms with bushings already installed IIRC is also
    an option. The rear arms for a 91 Civic are less expensive
    than the front ones. Considering all the trouble to which I
    will go to cut rear control arm bolts out, I think I might
    go this direction for at least one of the rear control arms.
    The other rear control arm is already a junkyard one whose
    bushings may press out easily. From previous work on it a
    few years ago, I think the arm's bolts will come free pretty
    Elle, May 28, 2006
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