91 civic - tough question about cooling

Discussion in 'Civic' started by larson.joshua, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. larson.joshua

    jim beam Guest

    it shouldn't be machined at all [or at least, not with "traditional"
    gear] for the reasons stated. it just needs to be lapped on a properly
    flat rigid bed.
    jim beam, Jun 19, 2006
  2. larson.joshua

    Monster 2269 Guest

    Radiators are relatively soft. I once saw the neck of the radiator had
    become "out-of-round", causing several new radiator caps to blow air bubbles
    into the puke can because an effective seal was not formed. A new radiator
    fixed the problem. You might check for gunk build-up in the neck which
    could cause an incomplete seal.

    Later, Ralph
    Monster 2269, Jun 28, 2006
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