91 EX accord 5 speed, around 130k miles- OIL BURN

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dan, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    91 EX accord 5 speed, around 130k miles. Every 2 tanks of gas, I have
    to add about 1 quart of oil into the engine. I have no idea where the
    oil go.

    Recent replaced: (have used air intake)
    1. Did replaced the valve steam seal myself 4 years ago after awhile
    bought the car at 78000 mils (can intake and exhaust steam seal mix
    together? )
    2. Replaced a used PCV valve. (almost 2 yr ago from yunk yard).
    3. O2 sensor. (because engine light ON about 3 months ago).
    4. New spark plugs ( checked and saw NO oil on spark plugs for a
    month, a litle gray+white deposite on spark plugs, to me this is kind
    of normal)
    5. New distributor ( Oil leak and went through the seal).
    6. Timing looks ok at about 15 + 2 ( spect is 15 +/-- 2). No valve
    knocking at all.
    7. Just a litle white smoke when start up (at about 60 F) in the
    8. Oil change every 3000-5000 mils depend on how fast the oil getting
    dirty (use BLEND oil which is part of synthetic).
    9. Will replace timing belt at around 150-160k mils.

    I am not sure if the leaks still from the crankshaft and camshaft end
    seals because I had it fixed at a store about 3 yrs ago, but don't see
    any oil leaking. (not open the timing belt cover, I mean just generally
    looking when open the hood). If yes.......is that possible for 2 gas
    tanks/ about 1 quart oil need to be added ?????
    I don't see any droping oil at all from the engine.

    Any one had this problem/ or know about this, please help. I really
    appreciate it.
    Dan, Sep 21, 2006
  2. We used to see a lot of these reports, and not a lot of them were resolved.
    I think most or all those that were resolved turned out to be broken piston
    rings. The catalytic converter burned the smoke and kept the exhaust looking

    Unless you know *for sure* the timing belt was replaced about the time you
    bought the car, do that immediately. It is well past due in terms of miles
    and way past due in terms of years. You are lucky the engine has not been
    destroyed by timing belt failure yet.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 22, 2006
  3. -----------------------------

    PCV that's stuck open will suck your oil out invisibly, and burn it in
    the combustion chamber. An OEM Honda PCV isn't that expensive. If it's
    the cause, you've probably paid for a new one twenty times over. A bad
    thermostat could have hacked up your rings too, if left uncorrected for
    too long. Engine has a 'sweet spot' for temperature. When you operate
    outside that (or let your car warm up in winter) you increase wear

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 22, 2006
  4. Dan

    NomoreRGS Guest

    Also make sure there is no oil in your radiator fluid (head gasket,
    cracked head). Do a compression check to eliminate the possibility of
    a big internal problem (rings, valves, head gasket) before you start
    putting much money in. A problem here could change the situation
    NomoreRGS, Sep 23, 2006
  5. Dan

    Grahame Guest

    If you mixed the exhaust and intake seals then maybe they have worn
    again prematurely, the white(blue) smoke on start up is usually a sign
    of worn seals.
    Had the same problem on my 91 Accord but not as severe.
    Grahame, Sep 23, 2006
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