91 Honda Accord Driver Door Jammed

Discussion in 'Accord' started by hondalover, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. hondalover

    hondalover Guest

    My 91 Honda Accord's driver side door is jammed and won't open from the
    inside or from the outside. The key appears to work and the electrical
    door lock switch appears to work but the door just won't open - almost
    frozen shut.

    I've browsed this newsgroup and found that several folks have
    complained and have been pointed to:

    1. a PDF
    2. a Honda Service Bulletin "How to open a door that cannot be opened
    from the inside or the outside"

    I have access to neither the PDF nor the Honda Service Bulletin.

    If someone would be so kind as to forward me these documents or
    recommend to me a low cost fix for this problem, I'll greatly
    appreciate the help

    Thanks in advance
    hondalover, Dec 9, 2006
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