91" Honda Civic HELP replacing stereo

Discussion in 'Civic' started by tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005.

  1. tluvz4

    tluvz4 Guest

    wiring w/o harness for installing in-dash Kenwood KDC119 CD stereo
    tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005
  2. tluvz4

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Is this a question, or a reply to another post?

    WalMart has wiring harness adapters so you just plug in without
    butchering the car's harness. They may have the kit for mounting too.

    motsco_ _, Apr 15, 2005
  3. tluvz4

    tluvz4 Guest

    Thanx, I know, but it's too late my son's friend already did it. Now I need
    the wiring diagram w/o harness. Unfortunately I'm not having much luck. It
    was a second hand stereo,so no install directions. If you have any other
    ideas I'm listening. Thanx
    tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005
  4. tluvz4

    tluvz4 Guest

    Sorry I'm new at this.I'll do better next time. Thanx. It was a question I
    was asking.Can u help? Or know anyone that u can put me in touch with?
    tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005
  5. tluvz4

    WaterWatcher Guest

    Look on Kenwood's web site. They may have downloadable installation

    WaterWatcher, Apr 15, 2005
  6. tluvz4

    tluvz4 Guest

    Thanx why did'nt I think of that?
    Duh! I'll try that. Thanx
    tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005
  7. tluvz4

    tluvz4 Guest

    Thanx .Y did'nt I think of that? DUH!
    I'll try that. Thanx
    tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005
  8. tluvz4

    tluvz4 Guest

    Thanx. Y didnt I think of that? Duh!
    I'll try that. Thanx Tina
    tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005
  9. tluvz4

    tluvz4 Guest

    Thanx 4 ur help. It might work
    Thanx Tina
    tluvz4, Apr 15, 2005
  10. tluvz4

    Randolph Guest

    That kid need a spanking, and I'm not talking about the kind you pay
    women in leather outfits to give you...
    The wiring diagram for the stereo is easy to find (manufacturer's web
    site), but that is probably not what you need.
    Do you still have the connector he cut off, and does it have long enough
    wires on it that you can see the wire colors?

    I believe the pinout on the '91 is the same as the '92 (even though the
    92 is the next generation Civic). You can find the pinout at the end of
    the document at
    The factory wire colors might be different than yours, but the function
    and location of each pin should be the same. You should be able to piece
    it together /if/ the snipped-off connector still can be located.

    Disconnect the battery negative cable before working on this, and also
    make sure all loose wires are taped off before you drive the car, don't
    want short circuits in there! Oh, and make sure your son's retarded
    friend does not come within 50' of the car again.
    Randolph, Apr 15, 2005
  11. tluvz4

    John Guest

    Try this: http://tinyurl.com/6p5ha

    It's for an 89 civic but it might be the same for all 4th gen civics. Worth
    a try...

    John, Apr 15, 2005
  12. tluvz4

    Randolph Guest

    Randolph, Apr 15, 2005
  13. tluvz4

    John Guest

    Here you go: http://www.installdr.com/Harnesses/HA-Wiring.pdf
    John, Apr 15, 2005
  14. tluvz4

    SoCalMike Guest

    hack up the wiring. thats what i did when i was a kid too. never again,
    though... the aggravation of hacking alone is worth $20. not to mention
    being able to get good soldered connections, and being able to go back
    to a factory stereo, if needed.
    SoCalMike, Apr 15, 2005
  15. tluvz4

    John Guest

    Randolph, $20 dollars are a lot of money for the average teenage kid (I'm
    referring to how much it would cost to get an adapter). After all it's a 91
    car. Probably won't be resold, and even if it does, it will go in the hands
    of a DIY-er or someone who doesn't care about the wiring. I don't mean treat
    it badly but come on now, it's not something you should trip over.

    If you're an installer, then you'd suggest the customer spend an extra 20
    and have his radio easy to replace without cutting the factory connector.

    I installed an aftermarket player in a friend's 92 mitsubishi but since he
    didn't have the $20 to spend on a wiring harness, I had to cut the stock
    connector and wire the radio directly. It would've been much easier for me
    to use a wiring harness. If I had to choose when I was doing the install, I
    would've gone for the adaptor since it makes life much easier for everyone
    (but it always comes down to the funding :)

    John, Apr 15, 2005
  16. tluvz4

    John Guest

    Are you turning this into an argument? Ok, ok. FREE is better than $8. It
    takes a few days to get the harness if you were to buy it online; teenagers
    are very impatient. To buy locally right away, it's usually $15+. Now you
    tell me, what would a teenager do?
    John, Apr 15, 2005
  17. tluvz4

    John Guest

    Experience is the best teacher. Give your kid sometime until he decides he
    wants the factory stereo and he'll learn real quick. You tell him not to do
    it without an explanation and choices, and he won't listen.
    John, Apr 15, 2005
  18. tluvz4

    Randolph Guest

    No I am not turning this into an argument. I can't think of a good
    excuse for cutting the factory harness, but I do get your point. I was
    needlessly unpleasant in my first reply to tluvz4 and for that I
    Randolph, Apr 15, 2005
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